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Home ›   Astrology Blogs ›   Astro Tips 2022: Know why is anger considered your greatest enemy

Astro Tips 2022: Know why is anger considered your greatest enemy

MyJyotish Expert Updated 27 Aug 2022 02:43 PM IST
anger greatest enemy in the world
anger greatest enemy in the world - Photo : google
Anger and storm are considered equal in life, because only after both of them calm down, a person comes to know how much damage has been done. Sometimes the loss can be compensated but in some cases human beings do such damages which can never be compensated and then there is no way but to repent. Know why a person should avoid getting angry.

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At some point in life, a person gets angry about something or the other. Sometimes the anger generated about some thing or person comes and ends immediately, but sometimes it remains within some people for a long time. Sometimes a person starts getting angry even on small things, that is, anger becomes his habit. It has been told in our scriptures about anger that it is the cause of all kinds of problems, when it comes to the most The religion and conscience of the first person is destroyed. In the scriptures, which has been described as the biggest enemy of man, before committing that anger, let us know in detail the great damage caused by that big force.

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Mistake and anger complement each other because making mistakes leads to anger and anger leads to mistakes. A person should try not to make any mistake intentionally, due to which he himself or someone else has to face anger.

Holding on to anger is like holding a hot coal in your hand with the intention of throwing it at another. That is to say that in anger a person burns himself. Anger has a bad effect on an angry person both physically and mentally.

Just as a match stick burns itself before burning others, so anger destroys you first and then others. Sometimes a person knows that he is getting angry unnecessarily but still he cannot control it.

In life, it is better to express anger towards someone immediately than to show it immediately, just as it is better to get burnt immediately than to smolder for a long time.

If you are right then you have absolutely no need to be angry and if you are wrong then you have no right to be angry.

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