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Chanakya Neeti Quotes That Will Guide you Through Life

My Jyotish Expert Updated 13 Oct 2021 05:29 PM IST
Chanakya Niti
Chanakya Niti - Photo : google

Chanakya Niti In English

Chanakya is considered a great scholar of economics and politics. His teachings are relevant not only in ancient times but even today. Even today many people want to know about Chanakya and get his teachings. For these people, in today's issue,

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  1. Just as gems are not found on all mountains, pearls do not grow in the heads of all elephants, sandalwood trees are not found in all forests, so gentlemen are not found everywhere.
  2. Lying, showing rashness, daring, deceit, acting foolish, covetousness, impurity, and cruelty – all these are natural defects of women. Chanakya considers the above defects to be natural qualities of women. However, the presence of these defects in the educated women of the present era cannot be said to be correct.
  3. Having good food items, having the power to digest them, having sex power for intercourse with a beautiful woman, having a desire to give wealth along with abundant wealth. All these pleasures are attained by a man with great difficulty.
  4. Chanakya says that the person whose son is under his control, whose wife behaves according to the orders, and the person who is completely satisfied with the money earned by him. For such a man, this world is like heaven.
  5. Chanakya believes that only the householder is happy, whose children obey his orders. The father also must take care of the sons well. Similarly, such a person cannot be called a friend, who cannot be trusted and such a wife is useless, who does not get any kind of happiness.
  6. It is better to abandon the friend who talks softly in front of you and spoils your work behind your back. Chanakya says that it is like a vessel whose upper part is covered with milk but inside is full of poison.
  7. Just as the grief of the separation of a wife, the humiliation received from her brothers and brothers is unbearable, similarly a person who is in debt is also unhappy all the time. The servant who is in the service of the evil king also remains unhappy. Man can never forget the curse of poverty. With these, the soul of the person keeps burning inside.
  8. The strength of Brahmins is education, the strength of kings is their army, the strength of Vaishyas is their wealth and the strength of Shudras is to serve others. Brahmins must acquire knowledge. The king must keep increasing his force by the soldiers. The Vaishyas must increase wealth through trade, the Shudras must serve the superior people.
  9. Chanakya says that like foolishness, youth is also painful because, in youth, a person can do any foolish act in the impulse of sex. But even more painful than this is to be dependent on others.
  10. Chanakya says that the way children are given education in childhood, they develop in the same way. Therefore, the parents must guide them on such a path, so that good character develops in them because only virtuous persons enhance the beauty of the family.
  11. Those parents are like enemies to their children, who did not give good education to the children. Because an illiterate child is humiliated in a group of scholars in the same way as a heron is in a herd of swans. A man without education is like an animal without a tail, so the parents must give such education to the children so that they beautify society.
  12. Chanakya says that by pampering too much, many defects arise in children. So if they do any wrong thing then it is not proper to be pampered by ignoring them. It is also necessary to scold the child.
  13. Describing the importance of education and study, Chanakya says that the birth of a human is very fortunate, so we should use most of our time in the study of Vedadi Shastras and only in good works like charity.
  14. Chanakya says that one should not believe in a person who is not a good friend, but at the same time, one should not have full faith in the relation of a good friend, because if he gets angry then he can open all your secrets. Hence caution is essential.
  15. Chanakya believes that a person should never open the secret of his mind. Whatever work he has to do, keep it in his mind and complete it when the time comes with full diligence.
  16. 15. According to Chanakya, the life of the trees situated on the banks of the river is uncertain, because the rivers destroy the trees on their banks during the flood. Similarly, a woman living in another's house can also go on the path of downfall at any time. Similarly, a king who does not have ministers who give good advice, cannot remain safe for long. There should not be any doubt about it.
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