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Home ›   Astrology Blogs ›   Numerology: How to calculate Mulank and what is the significance of each Mulank?

Numerology: How to calculate Mulank and what is the significance of each Mulank?

My Jyotish Desk Updated 29 May 2024 10:36 AM IST
Discover the secrets of each Mulank
Discover the secrets of each Mulank - Photo : My Jyotish

Special Things

Numerology (Mulank): Mulank plays an important role in judging anyone's personality. From mulank 1 to 9 all have different attitudes and personalities. Proper calculation of numbers are required to predict things
What is Numerology: Numerology is used to forecast the future, just as Astrology. When projecting the future, numbers are crucial. Numerology uses numbers ranging from 1 to 9 as a base for predicting events.

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Mulank is crucial for knowing a person's personality in Numerology. Mulank's characteristics and personality traits vary from number 1 to 9. Let's compute each person's mulank and determine which mulank has what kinds of qualities.

Mulank  Calculation

 First, let's define what Mulank is. A person's mulank is their birthdate. Take into account the following, for instance. If you were born on the 12th of any month, so calculate,
1+2=3. So, the mulank is 3.
Another example,
Suppose your birth date is on the 8th of any month, then your mulank is 8.
The first digit of your birth date is your mulank
One more example,
Suppose your birth date is-
Then calculate 1+1 =2. So, your mulank is 2.
It's crucial to keep in mind that numerology only computes numbers from 1 to 9. We add up all the digits and convert them into a single number called Mulank if the sum of all the digits is more than nine.

 Characteristics of each Mulank :

Number 1- Those who are born on the 1st, 10th, 28th, and 19th of any given month are considered as Mulank 1.
Ruler - Sun
  • People who have a numerology number 1 are fiercely independent, competitive, driven, appreciative of their independence, creative, possess leadership abilities, self-sufficient, etc.
  •  People with no 1 can do everything they set in their minds. Their delight stems from their never-ending supply of fresh ideas.
  •  Even in a big gathering, Number 1 can magically capture everyone's attention with their captivating stories since they are so captivating.
Number 2 – Those who are born on the 2nd, 11th, 29th and 20th  of any given month are considered as Mulank 2.
Ruler – Moon
  • You are a trusted individual in any group because of your capacity to reconcile conflicts, bring people together, and resolve issues.
  • Due to your empathy, attention, and keen listening skills, you can carefully calm situations.
  • You don't just fall in and out of love easily. You take your time getting to know someone, and that's okay since it's a well-known fact that the person who commits to a relationship the slowest remains in it the longest.
Number 3 – Those who are born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st and 30th  of any given month are considered as Mulank 3.
Ruler - Jupiter
  •  Being sensitive to nature allows you to be highly creative and pleased with life.
  •  You can have an upbeat attitude in life and like to be carefree rather than responsible.
  •  You have exceptional social abilities due to your adeptness in communication, attractive attitude, and overall enjoyable nature.
  •  That strong inner voice that leads you everywhere also enables you to guide others wisely and uplift them with spiritual understanding.
Number 4 – Those who are born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd and 31st  of any given month are considered as Mulank 4.
Ruler - Rahu
  •  You own strong moral ideals and values that you created in yourself and appreciate keeping to them. You don't like people who disobey the law.
  •  You are very trustworthy, well-organized, and prepared for every step. Dreams can come true for you.
  •  You make excellent, industrious professionals.
  • You can do good in politics
Number 5 – Those who are born on the 5th, 14th and 23rd  of any given month are considered as Mulank 5.
Ruler – Mercury
  • Being open to doing anything new and a quick learner, you are a pleasure to be around! It spreads like wildfire.
  •  You like interacting with people and have many friends. You have an innate ability to forgive since you think most people are kind. You are personable, friendly, carefree, and relaxed back.
  •  You are neutral and sensitive to the viewpoints of others.
  •  Because you are inquisitive about what life has to offer, you enjoy traveling and discovering. You like to socialize with new people and enjoy adventure in all forms.
  •  Because of your unpredictable personality, you recover swiftly from even the most severe hit.
Number 6 – Those who are born on the 6th, 15th and 24th  of any given month are considered as Mulank 6.
Ruler –Venus
  • The ultimate nurturer, the definition of "motherhood," you look out for others in addition to your own ones.
  •  You are a true hero who draws a lot of attention from others due to your warmth and compassion. You have an acute awareness of other people's emotions and can sense their thoughts.
  •  Having a creative and artistic attitude, you appreciate beauty in all its forms and, if you were wealthy, you would indulge in life's little pleasures.
  •  If you are deceived, it greatly hurts you since you are very honest and straightforward with your dealings.
Number 7 – Those who are born on the 7th, 16th, and 25th  of any given month are considered as Mulank 7.
Ruler –Ketu
  • You have a sharp mind that is almost brilliant,  you have unusual and inventive ideas. The occult and the metaphysical appeal to your inventive mind.
  • You may have a keen sense of intuition and find solace in following your spiritual path. You will never be happy until you link what is familiar with the unknown via study, analysis, and investigation.
  •  You appreciate leading a happy, regular life and possess a strong sense of justice and fairness.
  •  Through your exceptional capacity to naturally tune into people's needs and feelings, you can heal them on a spiritual, emotional, and physical level.
Number 8 –
Those who are born on the 8th, 17th and 26th  of any given month are considered as Mulank 8.
Ruler – Saturn
  • You put in a lot of effort and are determined, tough, and relentless until the task at hand is completed.
  • You make wise decisions and are aware of when to take initiative to take advantage of a chance to succeed.
  • You have a philosophical tendency and believe in fairness and balance, which you apply to both yourself and all of mankind.
  • Because you are a survivor and refuse to be a victim, you are strong and suffer hardship, including an abusive environment.
Number 9 – Those who are born on the 9th, 18th and 27th  of any given month are considered as Mulank 9.
Ruler – Saturn
  • You have exceptional tenacity and endurance, and you are a natural warrior. You have the unwavering commitment to defend your nation and fellow people.
  • Although you dislike disobedience, you expect people to follow the rules. People look to you for direction because you remain composed in the face of adversity.
  • You possess exceptional intelligence, creative ideas, and the ability to solve problems in any situation.
  • You have a great deal of empathy and concern for other people's welfare, but you also know when to stop giving.

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