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Home ›   Astrology Blogs ›   Penumbral Lunar Eclipse 2021: which zodiacs, planets and stars would be affected the most?

Penumbral Lunar Eclipse 2021: which zodiacs, planets and stars would be affected the most?

MyJyotish Expert Updated 12 May 2021 07:46 PM IST
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse - Photo : MyJyotish Expert
Lunar Eclipse 2021: when the Earth comes completely in between the moon and the sun then it is called lunar eclipse. In may shadow moon eclipse will occur. 
Let’s know it in details as follow:-

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Lunar Eclipse 2021 date:- Year 2021’s first lunar eclipse will occur on May 26. This lunar eclipse will occur on the day of Vaisakh Purnima. According to the astrology Eclipse of Moon is considered inauspicious. Whose negative effects are faced by all the people of different zodiacs. It will be a shadowed moon eclipse. Before the eclipse sutak period or kaal is observed but in this case no sutak will be observed or valid.
So let us know all the important things to be kept in mind about this lunar eclipse-
Day and time of Lunar Eclipse- lunar eclipse will be on 26 May 2021.According to Indian Standard Time(IST) it will begin in the afternoon at 02:18pm and will end in the evening at 07:18. Due to shadowed moon eclipse its sutak kaal or period would not be considered valid. Time duration of this eclipse would be of 5 hours approximately.
Why sutak kaal would not be valid-
According to astrology the sutak period is valid only for those elcipes which are visible through naked eyes. To watch the shadowed moon eclipse one need various equipments. As if watch it through naked eyes one cannot make out any difference in between the usual purnima moon and the shadowed moon eclipse. That’s why it is not considered valid according to the astrologers. Also, in India this eclipse is happening during day time which means people will not be able to watch it. 
What is shadowed or Penumbral Moon Eclipse? 
When the Earth comes in between the moon and the sun the Lunar Eclipse is occurred. During this phase of time the moon can be seen in different shape, size and colour. Whereas the shadowed moon eclipse is occurred when, the Earth blocks some of the Sun's light from directly reaching the Moon's surface and it fully covers all or part of the Moon with the outer part of its shadow, also known as the penumbra. In this state there is only a partially visible shadow is visible on the moon surface. Also, nothing has caused any change in moon’s shape ,size and colour also it cannot be visible through naked eyes.

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Affect of Eclipse on Zodiacs and Planets and stars:
Lunar eclipse is going to take place in scorpio zodiac and anuradha nakshatra. Therefore, there will be some impact of this eclipse on the people associated with it. Effect of eclipse last for longer time. Therefore, people of scorpio zodiac and anuradha nakshatra should be very careful doing each and every work.

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