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Home ›   Astrology Blogs ›   Tarot Horoscope: Tarot Reading for September 11-17, 2023

Tarot Horoscope: Tarot Reading for September 11-17, 2023

MyJyotish Expert Updated 14 Sep 2023 11:39 AM IST
Weekly tarot horoscope
Weekly tarot horoscope - Photo : My jyotish

Aries: You may feel a little stuck at the beginning of your week whether in terms of money, energy or even relationships but remember how important it is to come out of your comfort zone before you begin a new cycle or new life. You are being asked to become a little carefree and think more about your own well-being than thinking about how your decisions may affect others. There is a good possibility that you will finally see a storm leaving your life. Also for Aries be prepared for certain people leaving your life soon.

Taurus: You people are definitely starting something of your own which will increase your chances to attract more abundance in the future. I do sense that the Universe is planning something behind your back, some surprise but at the same time you may find people in your space or in friendships talking behind your back. Remember you have certain people who are willing to support and love you but make sure you don’t go to the wrong ones. I there is a possibility of some kind of success or recognition coming towards you this week.

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Gemini: The sun is definitely shining upon you, if your planets have been in retrograde soon you will find your life coming to rest. There are chances where you may decide to go for higher studies, if you do it is surely a green light. Other than if you have been running away from some kind of commitment, you will get more clarity towards it. Even though there are chances that your karmic account will get balance, be it your good karma or bad karma but will leave you giving a lot of clarity about relationships.

Cancer: Make sure this week you are not only doing the hard work but also mindful work. This week may bring certain sudden changes, news, or any event that you may not like or would want to welcome in life as well. Be aware of certain endings or any circumstances that may put you in trouble. By the end of the week, it is pretty certain that you will achieve victory in whatever endeavour you have been battling around with. There is light at the end of the tunnel but it is equally important to pass through the darkness first.

Leo: You may struggle with sleeping at night, having headaches, worry or even anxiety as the day or during your nights you may find yourself waking up in the middle of the night as well. There is something in your life which takes a long-term change or a permanent change. Yes, you are being asked to use your inner strength, may be a tough decision but this is surely your heart's calling. Some of you may even plan on having a baby while for others this is a new journey that you are starting yourself.

Virgo: You may feel triggered related to certain addictions or conditions towards life. If there is any kind of an obsession with something or someone, you are being asked to understand what really have been wishing for. What is this attachment all about? There could be certain habits or connections that you have become attached to and that too in a very unhealthy manner. Make sure to take the desired help so that you can save yourself from further heartbreaks. Also if at all you are feeling that your wish will be granted without you doing any hard work, then you have to reconsider your choices.

Libra: There is a divine calling which is taking place. One thing is for sure you do have certain regrets about how things may gone with a certain person or even in your life in general. I hear “I wish I could have done this”, and “I wish I could have done better”, but the point is there is no right time till the time you don’t decide. You are being given a second chance o another opportunity make sure to grab it without any fear. You may face a constant fear of how people will react or what will they think but this is a time to be more kind and forgiving towards yourself.

Scorpio: If you keep your focus on the lost opportunities then you might find yourself in the same space again and again. This is not the time to mourn about what no longer works or is not there. This is the time to come into your full power, and your individuality, and take the lead. You all have the ability to maintain the balance with full authenticity and power. Do not allow yourself to the slave of your victim mentality. This is a good time to spend time with your kids and most importantly your own inner child as well.

Sagittarius: Are you lying to yourself? Or there is someone else who is trying to lie about something? Surely you have all the power and control to do certain things, to change the direction of your life in your own favour. If you see any angel number life 111 or 11:11 this is a sign that your manifestations are all set to come into fruition. All you need to do is to keep your intent right and clear. Because what you think, you become. For some be aware of tricksters around you.

Capricorn: You will find yourself maintaining or marking a position at your workplace or even in your friendships. This is a lesson that you learning about your life. You will not get the space or position for free, it is not given rather you will have to make one for yourself. You are stepping more strongly into your counsellor role or even if it is about taking any help or guidance from anyone who is older than you feel free to do that. This is the time of pure healing for those who are in the path of spirituality I do see your crown chakra getting activated.

Aquarius: A lot of options and choices are coming your way, Whatever kind of solution you are looking for, you will have resources in abundance; abundant to an extent where you may even feel confused about what to choose or what not to. This week will ask you to take a lot many decisions which may impact your life on a good level. But before you jump to any conclusion make sure you have a backup plan. And if you get any sign in the form warning from someone, listen to them.

Pisces: Celebration is coming into your life, I see you enjoying your life with your friends and family. There is a possibility of news related to marriage or even meeting or having a reunion with someone who is from your soul tribe. There are good chances of having a fated meeting in the near future as well probably someone who will be pretty much compatible with you. In your career I see you understanding your passion, your soul mission which helps to find 

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