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8th House: Check here What 8th house represent in Kundali?

Abhishek AnandAbhishek Anand Updated 24 Jun 2024 02:16 PM IST
8th house
8th house - Photo : MyJyotish

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8th House:  This House is related to sex, death, and rebirth as equally significant, recognizing the relevance and vitality of all three. This is also the house of hidden knowledge, mystery, occult, black magic, astrology, tantra, hidden money etc. Sudden gain and loss is seen from this house too.

Meaning of 8th house in the Kundali

The House of Sex and the House of Death are both common references to the 8th House.

This house unveils the outcomes of our relationships and how we can maximize their potential. Similar to its ruling planet Saturn, symbolizing equality and justice, the 8th House represents fair opportunities. It regards sex, death, and rebirth as equally significant, recognizing the relevance and vitality of all three. Acknowledging that death and rebirth are integral parts of life. The House of Sex and Death is commonly associated with the 8th house.

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It shows us what we can gain from our relationships and how we can maximize their potential. Similar to its ruling planet Saturn, which symbolizes fairness and righteousness, the 8th House represents fairness. It regards sex, death, and renewal with equal significance, recognizing the importance and validity of all three. Death and renewal are integral parts of existence.

Experiencing failed relationships can lead to new ones, as well as career changes and even a new haircut, signalling this aspect. We undergo a rebirth and regeneration with each new phase and should embrace them all.

The 8th house serves to convert our insecurities into strengths. The transformation we undergo in this house compels us to delve deeper into our hidden aspects and explore life. It is crucial how we handle our interactions, relationships, and rituals in relation to the 8th house.

In Kundli, the 8th House encompasses shared resources like inheritance, insurance, taxes, and alimony. Additionally, this house pertains to financial and physical support, as well as emotional and spiritual support.

Saturn is the planetary indicator for the eighth house since it signifies loss and the importance of being cautious.

Characteristics of 8th house

Vedic Name of 8th house:  Ayu Sthan or Nidhan Bhava.
Ruler of 8th house according to Kal Purus Kundali: Saturn and Scorpio naturally govern the 8th House.
Associated bodily parts: Reproductive system, genital area, private parts, and colon.
Individuals in the 8th House: Individuals found in the 8th House are those we fear losing, those we fear in general, those we can't control, astrologers, hypnotists, therapists, insurance agents, and killers.
Activities: Activities that take place in the 8th House include strengthening deep insecurities, hypnotherapy, counselling, exorcism, transformative work, and matters related to death.

Sun in the 8th house 

  • The eighth house is associated with occult knowledge, an understanding of deep, hidden matters, private information, significant ups and downs, and abrupt transformations.
  • Additionally, it represents assets—joint assets from your spouse and your in-laws' family.
  • What follows, therefore, when the sun is in the eighth house? It denotes and clarifies the characteristics of the eighth house.
  • The only two planets that truly function very effectively and strongly in the 6th, 8th, and 12th houses are the Sun and Saturn. Since Mars, the ruler of Scorpio, is the true of Sun, he makes him feel fairly welcome. 
  • Native people typically don't need to show off their ego; they just know they're superior to other people.
  • Their aura draws others in naturally since they have such a wonderful personality. They have an endless thirst for secrets, occultism, darkness, and things hidden behind barriers.

Moon in the 8th house

  • The eighth house is associated with longevity, abrupt occurrences, and spectacular events. The paranormal, buried treasure, fatalities, state secrets, taxes, medical procedures, accidents, spouses' possessions, in-laws' families, and lottery-type games, among other things.
  • When Moon enters this house, it represents a person who has had many highs and lows in life because Moon feels sudden mental swings that have a significant effect on them.
  • These individuals like bearing the emotional burdens of others, which may inspire them to pursue careers in the healing arts, such as spirituality, occultism, nursing, or medicine.
  • Following sudden emotional upheavals, these people typically immerse themselves in spirituality. 
  • The Moon's position in the 8th house also points to rapid and unforeseen increases in money or wealth. On the other hand, if the Moon is weak, your shared assets may see sudden fluctuations.

Mars in the 8th house 

  • The eighth house is associated with riches, unforeseen circumstances, mishaps, in-laws, and possessions acquired after marriage with your spouse. This house also stands for rebirths and death. It is also the house of mysticism, secrecy, and the occult.
  • When Mars enters this house, the native may experience a number of mishaps or injuries. such as wounds, burns, or car crashes. Here, Mars feels like it's in a really tough spot.
  • Due to his strong personality, which makes him assume that the in-laws would respect him when he walks in, this individual may argue with the in-laws.
  • Mars's position in this house may potentially result in poor relationships.
  • This location also demonstrates the profits made by unethical ways after marriage. If the benefic exalted Mars is conjunct your tenth house, you will probably have professional achievement, financial gain, and reputation in the occult.

Mercury in the 8th house

  • In Vedic astrology, the eighth house is in charge of death, longevity, and unexpected events. This house also serves as a combined source of income or inherited assets from the in-laws. Additionally, it shows whether the native is motivated by fear or another feeling.
  • The native is fortunate to have favorable outcomes in their career, marriage, health, wealth, and spiritual development because to this location.
  • The native's innate capacity to readily comprehend things behind the scenes may lead them to decide to go further into the study of astrology.
  • The aboriginal people like prying into the lives of others, yet they guard their own secrets closely.
  • Despite the possibility that they lack a thorough understanding of the subject, native speakers are excellent speakers. Thus, they can project authority onto themselves with ease. They find it fascinating to manipulate the public with this amazing innate talent.
  • The native person may have aspirations of working in fields such as taxation, insurance, resource management, and others.

Venus in the 8th house

  • In Vedic astrology, the eighth house stands for sudden happenings, business assets, sudden loss, and gain, and inherited wealth. In addition, it is the house of mysteries, the occult, mysticism, death, and rebirth.
  • However, in the case of afflicted Venus, it could make the native lazy and careless. The native might even experience disappointments in their love life.
  • Venus is in this house, which means that the native is drawn to those who possess darkness. They are always drawn to people's puzzling and evil energies.
  • Natives are more inclined to date rich, seductive, and mysterious people. Conversely, some find the natives adorable and attractive but are unable to pinpoint.

Jupiter in the 8th house

  • The eighth house is mostly focused on hidden issues like as insurance and taxes, unforeseen circumstances, longevity, and death. Another name for it is the "house of joint resources." It has to do with the transactions involving inherited funds and assets.
  • Jupiter, the planet associated with prosperity, gives good fortune to the aforementioned themes. The majority of natives with a Jupiter affliction experience intense sexual temptation, which may lead to more sexual encounters. If one is not careful, a poorly aspected Jupiter might even become an obsession.
  • The native is very interested in jobs involving money, such as tax accountancy, insurance, and jobs dealing with death, such as funeral directors, etc.
  • The native is more likely to gain from shared resources and other issues governed by this house, such as inheritances and other people's money.
  • The native has strong psychic and intuitive talents because to this location. It provides to them a deep knowledge of mystical and strange topics.

Saturn in 8th house

  • In Vedic astrology, the eighth house stands for, business assets, and inherited wealth. In addition, it is the house of mysteries, the occult, mysticism, death, and rebirth.
  • This position in the native's chart indicates that the native bears an imbalance of responsibility for things like shared money, taxes, and other people's resources 
  • The native may encounter several challenges and issues with matters such as taxes and insurance. If Saturn is weak, it's possible that the native's spouse won't have enough money. 
  • The Native is unwell and has their health disturbed by this posture. Whatever disease they may suffer, Saturn extends it and makes it severe. The native may have died away at an early age or that sickness may have been the cause of death.
  • A native's life will be long and prosperous if Saturn is well-aspected. This is because money will come with a lot of effort and hard work.

Rahu in the 8th house

  • In Vedic astrology, the eighth house stands for marriage, business assets, and inherited wealth. In addition, it is the house of taboo subjects like taxation, mysticism, the occult, death, and rebirth.
  • Rahu is associated with secrecy in this house. People working in high-risk sectors, such as detectives, intelligence officers, secret investigators, etc., will benefit from this posting.
  • The two main qualities that a native searches for in a partner are wealth and knowledge. That is the main thing that draws people in. These individuals also like handling sensitive information, dangerous secrets, and issues that are kept under cover.
  • The native's life likewise undergoes several unanticipated adjustments while Rahu is in the eighth house. They are occasionally adversely affected by these changes.

Ketu in the 8th house

  • In Vedic astrology, the eighth house stands for marriage, business assets, and inherited wealth. In addition, it is the house of taboo subjects like taxation, mysticism, the occult, death, and rebirth. 
  • Ketu's placement in the ninth house indicates a lack of luck and contentment. Financial and income-related obstacles may arise for Native .However, it offers positive outcomes in terms of life's mystical aspect.
  • Due to their great inclination toward otherworldly regions, these persons are likely to choose astrology or occultism as their career.
  • The native is also more vulnerable to injury from weapons, heat, animals, and insects because of their posture. This individual may potentially require surgery of some kind. They may anticipate some unexpected financial advantages, nevertheless.
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