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Home ›   Astrology Blogs ›   How to read Navamsa or D9 chart? The chart of marriage and individual's feeling.

How to read Navamsa or D9 chart? The chart of marriage and individual's feeling.

Abhishek AnandAbhishek Anand Updated 05 Jun 2024 05:37 PM IST
how to read navamsa or d9
how to read navamsa or d9 - Photo : Navamsa or D9

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How to read Navamsa or D9 chart: This is an auspicious chart, which tells us about our spouse and inner feelings. D9 is often used by astrologers to determine one's actual inner feelings and how his / her future partner he or she wants or will get.


Vedic Astrology states that one of the most important divisional charts that provides insightful information about a person is the Navamsa Chart. Often referred to as the D9 chart, this chart facilitates a thorough examination of a person's life, particularly with regard to relationships, marriage, and spirituality.

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What are the benefits of reading Navamsa or D9 chart?

Following are a few advantages of reading the D9 chart:

 Navamsa chart is often read for marriage to learn more about the characteristics of a partner, compatibility, and life after marriage.
In astrology, the navamsa chart is used to assess an individual's spiritual tendencies. On the path to self-realization, one might learn about their spiritual strengths and challenges.

The D9 chart provides insights into the marks made by planets in many spheres of life, as well as information on the planets' strengths and dignity.

In addition to offering guidance on dharma and karma, the Navamsa Chart helps people in having meaningful lives.


How to read the Navamsa Chart?

Know here:

1. First, see the planetary positions : 

When you read the D9 chart in astrology, pay attention to the zodiac signs and the planets in each house. When doing so, pay particular attention to the Ascendant's position and its aspects. Examine the position of the seventh house lord.
2. Next step, Check the strengths of the planet : 

Examine the conjunctions and planetary aspects (debilitation, exaltation, etc.) of the planets in the Navamsa Chart. The planets are more strong and can bring up positive outcomes in their own zodiac signs. When planets are well placed or are exalted , then ey give good results to the natives. Planets give positive results in these signs :
  • Sun - Aries
  • Moon - Taurus
  • Mercury -Virgo
  • Venus - Pisces.
  • Mars - Capricorn
  • Jupiter - Cancer
  • Saturn - Libra.
  • Rahu – Gemini
  • Ketu - Scorpio
3.Now, analyze the Lagna and Its Ruler :

Analyzing the Navamsa Chart might show spiritual growth and individual life pathways. Examining the location, aspects, and conjunctions of planets might provide information about an individual's inner character and spiritual inclinations. Furthermore, the Navamsa Lagna's strength and state provide an understanding of each person's personality, destiny, and character.
4. Discover Marriage and Partnerships 

You learn about relationships and marriage by looking at the 7th house and its lord when you study the D9 chart for marriage. Examine the zodiac signs' aspects, conjunctions, and placements with regard to the lord of the seventh house. Look into if Jupiter and Venus have created any favorable yogas these signs point to excellent circumstances for marriage and peaceful partnerships.
5. Look Out Unique Combinations 

When analyzing the Navamsa chart for marriage, make sure to look at any significant yogas or planetary combos. The existence of these yogas might disclose life's unique moments, difficulties, and blessings that people will encounter. Examine the D9 chart to identify any yogas related to marriage, such as the Rahu-Ketu axis and Kalathra Dosha. You can also assess general well-being and spiritual change. Examine the karmic effects as well as any favorable or unfavorable markings on planets and houses.
6. Now, take Divisional Charts Into Account 

For deeper understanding into a variety of life factors, see how the Navamsa Chart relates to other divisional charts, such as D1, D10, D12, etc. Look for any recurring themes or patterns in divisional charts while reading the Vedic astrology D9 chart, since they can provide important insights into an individual's life path.
7. Recognize the Planets' Lordship

Examine the Navamsa Chart to determine the planet lordships and how they relate to the divisional chart lordships. By doing this, people can get insight into their karmic lessons, as well as their strengths and faults. Furthermore take into account the planetary exchanges, or Parivartana Yoga, between the houses and the zodiacs, which might reveal changes and adjustments in a person's life path.
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