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Home ›   Astrology Blogs ›   Know why applying Tilak on the forehead is auspicious, and know its astrological benefits:

Know why applying Tilak on the forehead is auspicious, and know its astrological benefits:

MyJyotish Expert Updated 07 Apr 2023 05:20 PM IST
Sandalwood Tilak
Sandalwood Tilak - Photo : googlr
Know why applying Tilak on the forehead is auspicious, and know its astrological benefits:

Applying Tilak on the forehead is considered very important in Hinduism. It is a small mark applied on the forehead, which is applied on worship or other religious occasions. The main purpose of applying Tilak is that on religious occasions all people get the recognition that they are part of a religion. It also indicates that the person is a follower of a particular religion and wants to live life according to it.

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Apart from this, applying Tilak also means that the person believes in the deities of that religion and their grace. Also, Tilak is considered a way for the native to get the power and blessings of the Lord. That's why applying Tilak on the forehead is an important ritual in Hinduism, which is considered important both religiously and socially.

Spiritual Significance of applying Tilak on the forehead:

Applying Tilak on the forehead is considered very important in Hinduism. At the same time, its spiritual meaning is very deep, which can be a bit difficult to understand. Applying Tilak is considered auspicious in Hinduism and it gives a person a feeling of divinity and spirituality. It is a form by which a person separates his soul from the outside world and declares the authority of God.

The colors used in Tilak also have their own importance, like- red or saffron color is used in Tilak to symbolize Shreevatsa or Lord Vishnu's Chakra. Wherein ashes are used in Shiva's Tilak. In some castes, Gorochan, saffron, or blue-colored tilak is also applied. In short, applying Tilak in Hinduism is a symbol of the authority of God, Which makes a person feel spiritual and close to God.

In Hinduism, applying Tilak on the forehead is religiously significant and has an impact on the personality as well. This Tilak reflects the nature and personality of the person. Seen from a religious point of view, applying Tilak makes a person satisfied from a religious and spiritual point of view. Apart from this, applying Tilak increases the mental strength of a person and gives him spiritual energy.

If seen from the side of the personality, Tilak enhances the individual identity of the person. Furthermore, applying Tilak boosts a person's self-confidence and inspires them to stand up for their thoughts and religious values. That's why applying Tilak on the forehead is an important religious and personality development medium in Hinduism.

Tilak gives spiritual, social, and physical benefits according to various symbols and cultural traditions mentioned in the scriptures. Applying Tilak on the forehead gives inner peace and stability. It is a belief that by applying tilak, the brain's concentration increases, and the mind becomes calm. Through this, the person gets relief from mental stress and his voice also becomes melodious.
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