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Home ›   Astrology Blogs ›   Love Life of Different Zodiac Signs In the Month of July from Aries - Virgo

Love Life of Different Zodiac Signs In the Month of July from Aries - Virgo

Abhishek AnandAbhishek Anand Updated 28 Jun 2024 04:26 PM IST
Love Life
Love Life - Photo : MyJyotish

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July Love Life: This month will give some good and bad outcomes related to love life. Venus, Mercury and Sun transit in this month will try to trouble love life. Break-ups and patch-ups can be observed.

Love Life In July Prediction :

Aries love life

Stubbornness is keeping you in a state of opposition. The incessant need to be right will only serve to prolong the conflict that deep down you want to be resolved. This is an opportune moment to learn about your values, your sense of self, and what's important to you.

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Some things are non-negotiable. If that's true, it's not necessary to fight. Can you find a way through the stormy emotions to higher ground? Soon the air will clear, and you will be in a much better place than before, for the storm will have passed, blazing a path for new growth in its wake. Things can become electric and enlightened always better than before—if you use this time constructively.

Taurus love life

Sometimes we try to become something we're not to impress others. We embellish a story a bit, adding some dramatic elements to make us more appealing. The real person becomes hidden behind the sparkle and shine. Then there are times when we don't see the true value of someone else because he or she may not have the glitz and glamour that seem so desirable. Now is the time to look past the surface, beyond the mask, to the essence of a person. Who that person is, not what he or she has or can give you, is important.
See beyond the glitter and look for the inner Blow. Use the eyes in your heart. Let go of artifice and let what is authentic shine.

Gemini love life

Some relationships carry an innate seed of failure in them that is obvious from the beginning, but the red flags escape your observation or you refuse to acknowledge them. When a relationship is not meant to be, it is not possible to make it be. Rejection is a sign that you're being protected by the Divine. If you are the one who must reject another, remember that you do so for both your sakes. For every pot, there is a lid. This one may not be the best fit.

Cancer love life

You've come to a place where forgiveness is necessary if you're to move forward. Separate or together, you and the other person are still experiencing the effects of a hurt that is impacting everything you do-even if you're not aware of it. The energy needs to clear.
What must you do to bridge this gap? Closing your heart is not the answer. You have the power to heal this wound. Ask yourself, What would Love do? Only good will come of forgiveness and an honest redress.

Leo love life

Can you find a way to achieve fairness right now? This is a time for listening as well as speaking, for understanding as well as asking to be understood. There is much to be learned, and you will learn it if you remain open and objective, weighing options and considering all sides. Your heart wants to connect to others, so allow for a balanced exchange of ideas and actions. The best kind of relationship is one in which there is mutual benefit and each party feels heard, valued, and respected. Be fair to all.

Virgo love life

People tell you who they are very quickly if you're willing to listen to what they say and pay attention to how they behave. This message calls you to engage in heartfelt, open conversation. It's time to see the truth about what you share with each other and tell the truth about who you are and what you need. No one can do that for you. Remember that your truth is always based in your personality and experience up to now. A higher truth will be found after you communicate honestly and ee how doing so has helped you become more attuned to yourself. Don't hold back. Speak your truth ... and listen your partner.

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