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March Tarot Reading 2024:  Illuminating Your Path with Cosmic Guidance

-- Liza Gupta Updated 04 Mar 2024 12:19 PM IST
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March Tarot Reading 2024:  Illuminating Your Path with Cosmic Guidance

March Tarot Reading 2024:  Illuminating Your Path with Cosmic Guidance



Everything in life is constantly vibrating and moving, and therefore continuously changing and evolving. Be aware that a new beginning is on the horizon. Have courage and faith, because right now life is trying to nudge you forward and move you in a new direction. This powerful message comes forward, and its message is simple, yet it could have a profound effect on your future. It's about the process of how to start over and seize the opportunity to create new beginnings. You may well be saying, "I can't do this," "It's not the right time," or "I'm too old to start all over again," but the Spirit World is giving you this card for a specific reason. We know that you need to make changes, discard some old legacies that may have held you back, and purge and choose what you want moving forward. We know that doing nothing is not an option. New beginnings can be orchestrated at any time of your life, and it's a beautiful way of resetting your private stage with the props you want, the backdrop you want, to create the perfect set for the next stage of your life. This is a great visual way of starting the process of change. During this time, don't be alarmed if you feel lost or even confused. Sometimes it does take a drastic life change to truly begin living!

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Intuition is the language of the soul. We are all born aware with a profound sense of inner-knowing. Intuition is one of the greatest gifts we possess, which keeps us connected to our higher selves, to the Universe, and our Divine Spirit. This message comes forth at this time because we here in the Spirit World hear your request for an answer. We ask you not only to seek guidance from us but also to listen to your natural intuition that is sending you nudges. The answer is already waiting for you. You were born intuitive — everyone is! As life has a way of adding ever-increasing layers and years of responsibility to your physical world, it's often hard to peel back those layers so you can feel, sense, and know when an answer arrives. We ask you to trust and embrace what you're physically feeling as your body works in partnership with your intuition. Be aware of your dreams, synchronistic signs, books that may come to you, people entering your life, or even numbers that keep reappearing. These are intuitive nudges. Once you learn to trust your intuition, you will see yourself and the world in a way you never thought possible!


Your soul needs attention! There are moments when it's important to get away, not just from the noise of the outside world but to find a place where your soul can experience peace — a place for soul solitude. This is a time to pause, a time to reflect, a time for you. The Spirit World sees and hears that you're seeking answers from the outside world, and this is the time when you're likely to receive some answers. You must try to step back from your everyday life and devote some time to your soul. Allow yourself to pause, still your mind, meditate, reflect, and evaluate. By giving yourself this much-needed soul solitude, you'll be able to view your life from the outside, instead of being in it. This will help you gain perspective and have a more peaceful life in the future. Soul solitude and vacations are different things. Vacations are for touring, shopping, eating, and drinking, and so forth. When we talk about soul solitude, we mean it to be a period when you commune with your soul. Devoting time to your soul will help you connect with your inner wisdom and your Spirit Guides, and it will also reinvigorate you with the precious energy and vitality that you so desperately need right now.


We are your ancestors, and we love you. We walked the earth many years before you. We ask you at this poignant time to learn and grow from our past experiences. You are our legacy, and we will keep on helping you as we continue to evolve here in the Spirit World. We bring you this message to remind you that you're not alone as you walk the earth and live in your physical world. You may feel that you're not receiving help or assistance from those around you, but draw strength from our help here from the Spirit World. We're constantly evolving and growing as well, and encourage you to learn from our past mistakes... so you don't have to make the same ones in your lifetime. You've inherited many of your gifts, talents, and abilities from us, as well as some of our faults, habits, behaviours, and even our addictions. Take as many of the positive aspects as possible and move forward as you listen to your soul. Over time, the negative aspects can be eliminated once you acknowledge that you have free will and can make your own choices in this lifetime. Honour us as we so honour you. Move forward with our love and blessing.


A father's love for his son or daughter never dies. The strength gained from such love is often unquantifiable, in that it can be tapped into at any time for whatever reason, whether your father is still here or has passed. A father's love is one of the strongest bonds any of us will ever experience. A father's love is reaching out to you in support. Selecting this card, it's signifying your need for strength and support. The love of a father or father figure offers great strength, but even if your father has passed, his influence, support, and love remain eternal. Just as important, Spirit can wrap his (or their) arms of love around you when you most need it. Even if your father is still here, his love - no matter how many miles you're apart - can be felt. The beauty of a father's love is that no matter what the circumstances, his love is unwavering, compassionate, forgiving, purposeful, and full of energy and strength. Whenever you feel alone or lost, whenever you feel misguided or lacking in confidence, just stop for a moment and let the love of your father or father figure give you the comfort or guidance that you need.


Stop! When was the last time you had fun? When was the last time you took a chance and did something silly - something totally unlike you, something just for the joy of it? It's long overdue for you to let go of your analytical mind and give yourself and your soul permission to have fun! We all need to play and leave the adult responsibilities behind for a little while. Step away from your desk or what you're doing, and release your inhibitions. Feel free to shout and laugh or jump in the air, and feel the connection with your inner child again. By placing this card in your hand, Spirit is letting you know that you must engage in more hobbies and activities that are purely centred on having fun. If you've always wanted to learn to sing, dance, or play a new sport — then it's time. Maybe you've been drawn to the stage to act or wanted to try comedy; this is the ideal moment to Go For It! You are a physical being as well as a spiritual being, so having fun will balance all of you. Have fun — you so deserve it!


Being distracted, unfocused, tired, irritable, and impatient are all signs that you're ungrounded. Now is the time to become centred and allow Spirit to help you ground yourself and reconnect with the Divine Source. Spirit has carefully selected this message for a reason. It's now vital for you to ground yourself to clear your head and stop the racing, frenetic, chaotic thoughts that are sending you in a million different directions. It's time to take a firm step back so you can think again and achieve your full potential. You need to reconnect with the Divine Source but to do so, you have to ground and centre yourself. Spend some time in the peace and tranquillity of nature, whether that's in the countryside or at the beach, so you can be with yourself. Walk barefoot on Mother Earth when you can, or dig your hands deep into her soil by gardening. Take time to meditate, breathe, and absorb the healing qualities of stillness and serenity. By grounding yourself, you're also aligning with your highest soul purpose, and yet you're still keeping both feet firmly on the ground.


Strength comes from many sources. Staying strong brings confidence, conviction, and a balanced body, mind, and soul. Spirit has its own unique and beautiful way of replenishing your soul with strength continually. You're never really alone, as we're always with you. You have drawn this message because Spirit is reminding you that in life, your greatest weaknesses create your greatest strengths. We're aware that you may be facing new challenges or suffering from a sense of uncertainty, or even feeling vulnerable or insecure. In the past, just when you think you've had no strength left and that you've reached a point where you cannot go on, it's your inner strength combined with our energy that has gently pulled you through. This message is confirmation that you're stronger than you believe, and now is not the time to give in. Use your inner confidence to overcome life's obstacles, and know that from each experience a valuable lesson can be learned and stored as wisdom to be used in the future. Do not be surprised if help or assistance comes to you ... and it could arrive in the most unexpected way! Remember, we're here for you always.


A mother's love is reaching out to you at this time and holding you close. She knows how much you miss her and wants to remind you that this special bond of love can never be broken. You didn't consciously choose this message, but it was likely that your hand was guided to choose this message by the love and inspiration of someone you consider as a mother figure. A mother's love lives on forever; and even though we are here in the Spirit World, that love never ends and will continue to nurture you, protect you, and keep you on your path. This message can also indicate that you may need to mother and nurture yourself at this specific time. Spirit knows how heavy your heart is right now and encourages you to remember the good times shared with your mother, for those special memories remain with her here in the Spirit World. Your mother wants to thank you for all you did, and she knows the love, care, and thoughts you gave her right to the end. She's saying, "I really never left you. I am in the sun that rises and sets each day, and the gentle breeze that caresses your face. When you feel the sun warm you, know that I'm holding you close in a tender embrace, whispering, 'I love you my child!"


Imagine yourself as a being composed of energy and light — because in reality, that's precisely what you are. You are a powerful being, and people are attracted to your brilliance. This is a time to remember how vibrant you truly are! The Spirit World presents this card to remind you that some people are attracted to light - while others emanate it. You are a powerful beacon, and as a result, you can attract what you desire. Thoughts are like rays of light made up from energy that disperse into the Universe but eventually get returned to us. Ask yourself, "How have my thoughts been lately? Have they been positive or negative?" It's worth remembering that you will often find what you're thinking about or looking for. You also have the power to use your brilliance to protect yourself from people or situations that might be causing you dis-harmony. Visualize yourself surrounded by a protective layer of brilliant white light, which allows only positive people and situations to enter into your space and life for your highest good. You're a shining soul, and we here in the Spirit World see your light and know you have the power to be even more than who you are — a spiritual being with unlimited potential!


Once you let go of the outcome, you'll be able to release all the emotional constraints that have held you back in the past. Trust in the higher good and guidance of Spirit, as we have only your best intentions at heart and will do everything in our power to protect you. We're here to show you that by letting go of your preset outcomes, it's sometimes necessary to take an alternative route to your destination in life. Equally, as you navigate a new route, you may find that the ultimate destination changes to one that's for your higher good. Don't ignore signs and symbols that are presented to you at this time, as this is Spirit providing directions and pointers to guide you along your journey. Be brave, and let go of the plans and ideas that are not working. Trust and follow the energy that is guiding you in a new direction. Energy is like the ebb and flow of the tide, and through a higher awareness, you can tap into that energy and flow with it. Past inhibitions, self-doubts, and confidence issues fade away as you let go and trust that Spirit will guide you to where you need to be.


Always remember: You're a soul that comes with a body — not a body that comes with a soul. Your soul is your true essence and you have an unlimited supply of soul power at your command whenever you need it. You drew this message to be reminded of how powerful you are as a soul. Your outside physical world right now might be hectic, and you may be pulling away from what your soul is trying to help you with at this time. The answers you seek may not be forthcoming from the outside world - but wise wisdom and guidance can be found within. Your soul will often try to get your attention through your dreams or those little synchronistic, intuitive nudges. When you feel these, close your eyes, breathe calmly and deeply, and ask your soul for guidance with any situation you're experiencing at this moment in time. You may see a picture or a symbol, or you may experience a feeling or hear a whisper in your mind. Trust what you receive. Even if the answer is not immediate, Your soul will know how to guide you at this time. Be open to its wisdom and honour how Powerful the real you are!
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