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Home ›   Astrology Blogs ›   Saturn in different Houses: Saturn can give lots of Wealth and Fame to these natives

Saturn in different Houses: Saturn can give lots of Wealth and Fame to these natives

Abhishek AnandAbhishek Anand Updated 13 Jun 2024 04:38 PM IST
Houses - Photo : Saturn

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Saturn in different houses: In this blog, you will know the effects of Saturn in different houses of Kundali. Saturn, the lord of karma. Saturn is the natural malefic planet in Astrology. So the combination of karma and malefic, Saturn often gives struggle and pain.


Saturn is also referred to as "Shani," which stands for maturity, law, order, and discipline. It is the planet that is most feared in general, and for good reason. The fact that the planet moves slowly suggests that Saturn takes its time doing a mission. One of the main consequences of Saturn and its fundamental nature is to teach the native via challenges rather than to destroy life.

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Its effect in a person's natal chart does not always imply that success is denied. It just gets postponed, which means that the native will succeed in life afterwards. That could possibly beat everyone else's.
Continue reading to learn how your life is impacted by the planet of hard labor, fairness, and discipline.

Saturn in 1st house
  • The person's external attitude and physical well-being are linked to the first home. It stands for the person's behavior, character, strengths, and faults. a person's overall appearance in the world.
  • The native seems dark, practical, egoistic and aggressive with Saturn in the first house. These natives don't mind devoting all of their attention to their tasks and like being organized.
  • Native people are usually very strong-willed and genuine. Compared to their other school friends, these individuals tended to be significantly more responsible and disciplined as children. They take things extremely seriously.
  • Their early years may be hard and depressing, particularly if Saturn is in retrograde.
  • Individuals with this placement are quite fair and lawful. They make the most strong and well-respected legal professionals in the world.

Saturn 2nd house
  • In Vedic astrology, the second house is primarily focused on the native's family, assets, and collected fortune. Along with the ability and abilities of the native to earn money.
  • Given that this house represents the throat, speech and food intake are also viewed from it.
  • When Saturn is placed in the second house of a horoscope, the native's capacity to store money is delayed until they are 35 years old. 
  • The process of eliminating its drawbacks begins between the ages of 32 and 35, at which point the locals may begin saving money.
  • Saturn is a planet that causes struggles in childhood. The child may not be treated well in the family or the child may not get well food to eat.
  • The native may end up making well more money than anybody else after Saturn releases its Karmic backlogs. The native becomes an extremely hardworking and disciplined worker or employee

Saturn in 3rd house
  • The native's close surroundings, siblings, relatives, neighbors, and self-expression are all seen from the third house. It also represents the bravery of natives, quick journeys, shopping, etc.
  • Saturn's presence tends to limit a native's relationship with his siblings, particularly from childhood to middle age. Unless Venus and Jupiter are aspecting the third house, they do not communicate well with their siblings.
  • Saturn is a planet that might cause a native's mental focus to be highly steady yet slow. These folks develop into lifelong students of philosophy and knowledge.
  • Individuals with this placement are typically somewhat naive but quite mature for their age. They are probably going to use perseverance and discipline to showcase their creative skills.
  • Individuals with this placement are typically a bit ignorant but quite mature for their age. They are probably going to use their determination and self-control to showcase their creativity.
  • The locals are highly intellectual and attentive due to the placement of Planet Saturn in the third house, yet they may find it difficult to put their thoughts into words. Therefore, natives need to put in a lot of effort to become proficient in communication.

Saturn in 4th house
  • Early years, mother, maternal love and sustenance, home, real estate, and their expected family behavior are all seen from the Fourth House.
  • Saturn, a dull and gloomy planet, is in the fourth house, which might have a negative emotional impact on a native's relationships with their family, childhood, and home.
  • Since it suggests hardship at a young age and parental restrictions, it is not thought to be a very beneficial situation for the native.
  • The native may find it difficult to communicate his genuine sentiments and emotions to his family. When it comes to expressing their love and feelings, the family may be rather orthodox and strict.
  • Given that the native's parents were missing from his childhood and had various responsibilities, it is possible that the native was raised by his grandparents.

Saturn in 5th house
  • The house of pleasure. This house is a representation of the native’s creative expression preferences and sense of fun. It also shows how wealthy the father is
  • The fifth house is occupied by a well-aspected Saturn, which suggests that the native will be methodical, diligent, and creatively organized.
  • Native people are often timid by nature, which makes them take life far too seriously and seldom ever allow themselves to appreciate the little things in life.
  • Rather than being impulsive and enjoying life, they are more likely to stick to well-established routines and regulations.
  • Female natives may experience issues in fertility or difficulties in conceiving, particularly if Saturn is weak. It could potentially be a sign of miscarriages.

Saturn in 6th house
  • This is the house of dispute, conflict, illnesses, and enemies. It also highlights the services the native will be beneficial to humanity and how they will contribute to society. 
  • The native believes in working hard and takes his work seriously, according to the placement of the planet Saturn in the sixth house. In whatever they do, these natives have excellent structure and organization. 
  • The native person is usually good at tasks requiring logic and meticulous attention to detail. They're probably regarded for their work. 
  • When Saturn is weakened, the native may experience mild health issues as a result of his overwork habit and find it difficult to enjoy interacting with his coworkers. 
  • They most likely rely on proven methods and are not particularly creative in their job.

Saturn in 7th house
  • The seventh house represents legal obligations, marriage, corporate partnerships, romantic relationships, and laws. It also symbolizes other individuals, such as your public personality.
  • Saturn's position in the seventh house indicates that the native is dependable and responsible.
  • Even in extremely delicate situations like marriage, a native with a Saturn affliction may become rigid and uncompromising. 
  • They enjoy being the ruler of others, which will help them succeed in disciplines relating to law and commercial management.
    Because of this location in the chart, those who marry before the age of thirty should proceed with extreme caution as it may have terrible negative and malefic implications on their lives.
  • A native who has a well-aspected Saturn in their natal chart is blessed with favorable outcomes and stable relationships in both marriage and business.­

Saturn in 8th house
  • In Vedic astrology, the eighth house stands for, business assets, and inherited wealth. In addition, it is the house of mysteries, the occult, mysticism, death, and rebirth.
  • This position in the native's chart indicates that the native bears an imbalance of responsibility for things like shared money, taxes, and other people's resources 
  • The native may encounter several challenges and issues with matters such as taxes and insurance. If Saturn is weak, it's possible that the native's spouse won't have enough money. 
  • The Native is unwell and has their health disturbed by this posture. Whatever disease they may suffer, Saturn extends it and makes it severe. The native may have died away at an early age or that sickness may have been the cause of death.
  • A native's life will be long and prosperous if Saturn is well-aspected. This is because money will come with a lot of effort and hard work.

Saturn in 9th house
  • The ninth house represents your father, the law, religion, and your teacher. It also represents luck, riches, and long travels such as religious journeys. 
  • When Saturn is in the ninth house, the native is inclined toward spirituality and religion. These individuals possess a good education but in a traditional way.
  • Individuals with this placement are more likely to choose a profession that allows them to advance spiritually and intellectually. People prefer to work for established, conventional companies. 
  • Native travels frequently, primarily for work-related trips and professional advancement. He views travel as a means of education. 
  • If Saturn is unwell, the native will likely have a limited thinking and become egoistic and very rigid. It may even make things tougher for natives pursuing higher education.

Saturn in 10th house
  • Career or profession is associated with the 10th house in Vedic astrology. It indicates if the individual will become well-known and successful in life.
  • For the native, Saturn in the tenth house is seen as a favorable placement. They blend in well at work and experience success, but only after making great efforts and working really hard.
  • They probably have high goals in life, which motivate them to excel in their field.
  • Even while Saturn may provide challenges and missed chances, its patient and methodical character steps in and helps the native make preparations for the future.
  • They will probably become successful and reach tremendous professional heights.

Saturn in 11th house
  • The 11th house is a reliable predictor of unexpected profits and prosperity. It stands for wealth, success, and unexpected money. The house also represents a person's social circle.
  • If Saturn is in the 11th house, it means that the native has several sources of money or that both the husband and wife are working hard to make a living.
  • Unless Saturn is weak or positioned poorly in the chart, the native usually receives support from his friends and social circle because the eleventh house is also the house of friends and social circle.
  • A native with a poorly aspected Saturn may find it difficult to make friends because of their quiet and reserved personality. They often don't want to participate in chitchat and gossip since they are worried about whether they even belong in any social groups.

Saturn in 12th house
  • It is the dwelling place of fears, secrets, the subconscious, and faraway places. It also shows a person's tendency toward spirituality and symbolizes freedom from the materialistic requirements of life. 
  • People who have this location in their birth charts tend to be lonely people. They might be employed by ashrams, prisons, hospitals, or other isolated facilities.
  • Native people seek out spirituality because they recognize its importance. In contrast, those with weakened Saturn may find themselves feeling depressed as a result of this, as well as being sleepy.
  • However, this placement yields positive outcomes outside. If the native has connections to industries like mining, coal, or petroleum, he will probably succeed.
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