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Home ›   Astrology Blogs ›   The combustion of two benefic planets: How will it impact these zodiacs?

The combustion of two benefic planets: How will it impact these zodiacs?

My Jyotish Desk Updated 25 May 2024 06:57 PM IST
combustion 2024
combustion 2024 - Photo : My Jyotish

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Venus and Jupiter Combustion 2024: Right now in the solar system, two benefic planets are combusting, due to which malefic effects are at their peak. These two planets are not only benefic but also teachers or gurus. Jupiter is the teacher of gods, and Venus is the teacher of devils. But due to combustion, these planets powers are down. That's why good things are prohibited during this time. 
In astrology, the naturally benefic planets are Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, and the Moon. Without any prerequisites, Jupiter and Venus are naturally beneficent. When Mercury is aligned with other benefic planets or positioned around the zodiac, it is considered beneficent, but when it aligns with naturally malefic planets, it acquires malefic qualities and turns into a malefic planet. On Poornima, or Full Moon Day, when the moon is 180 degrees away from the sun, or the seventh house from the sun in a horoscope, it is at its most beneficent.

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Then, its beneficial qualities begin to wane as it becomes less radiant every day. It gradually turns neutral (neither benefic nor malefic) by Saptami, or the seventh day following the full moon, and then acquires a malefic quality that grows daily as the moon's visible portion decreases. Lastly, the moon is completely maleficent on no moon day, or Amavasya.

What is combustion, and how is any planet combustible?

Combustion, in Indian Vedic astrology, describes the situation where a planet is in close proximity to the sun in the same sign of the zodiac. This state may have an impact on the planet's influence and ability to function. It is believed that a planet's energy is diminished or hidden by the sun's strong heat and light when it comes into close contact.
Right now in the solar system, two benefic planets are combusting, due to which malefic effects are at their peak. These two planets are not only benefic but also teachers or gurus. Jupiter is the teacher of gods, and Venus is the teacher of devils. But due to combustion, these planets powers are down.That's why good things are prohibited during this time. For example: marriage.

Venus and Jupiter Combustion: These Zodiacs should be careful.

Taurus individuals should be very careful while Venus and Jupiter are combusting. You may encounter some challenges at work. You'll probably face some challenges in your profession as well. You may need to put forth a lot of effort, even on small tasks. This is the period when your connection with your superiors may potentially start to deteriorate. There's a chance that your coworkers will disagree with you and try to obstruct your progress. As a result, you will exhibit indications of tension. Making a profit might also require a lot of work on the part of entrepreneurs.
Your expenditures might very likely increase dramatically.
In such a scenario, it will be slightly more difficult for you to meet your needs and costs. Furthermore, you might not be able to save any money. If a family member becomes sicker, there may be medical costs. Furthermore, this is a bad time to be married. You may not get along with your boyfriend or relationship.
Certain problems can be impeding your child's growth. You might have to travel for work, but there's very little chance you'll be able to reach your objectives there. To achieve your goals, you'll need to work harder.
During this time, workers may suffer high job discontent, which might result in frequent job transfers. It's a difficult time for businesspeople as well. They'll
have to settle for lower earnings in their industry. You should not make any financial decisions right now since you might lose money. In respect to relationships, you may have disagreements with your spouse.
There are signs of conflict between you and your spouse. Apart from this, don't gamble with your well-being.
This is the moment to proceed with care. There won't be any success at work for you. Furthermore, there is still very little chance that you will be successful in your work. You may need to put forth a lot of effort, even for little tasks. Additionally, it's a difficult time for company owners. You will have to work more even if your earnings are lower. People who conduct business in partnerships may also run into issues. Likely, you and your spouse don't get along well in your married life.
Combustion will decrease the positive impacts. And all the auspicious works are extended further due to this combustion. For example: Marriage.
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