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Weekly Tarot Horoscope, 08 - 14th Feb 2024: Love is in the air, Know your angel's Love plans for you

By Liza Gupta Updated 16 Feb 2024 03:17 PM IST
Weekly tarot horoscope
Weekly tarot horoscope - Photo : My jyotish

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Weekly Tarot Horoscope, 08 - 14th Feb 2024: Love is in the air, Know your angel's Love plans for you

Weekly Tarot Horoscope, 08 - 14th Feb 2024: Love is in the air, Know your angel's Love plans for you

By Liza Gupta


relationships go through periods, where partners seem out of sync with each other, and storms of emotions, and moods, threaten to take down the ship. Perhaps someone has a change of heart and leaves, these rough seas, offer opportunities for mutual growth, a way for you to understand your own heart better and to know what you need to be truly happy. Rest assured that whatever is happening now good will come from it. Take temporary shelter and remove yourself from drama. The air will clear and everything will be fresh and new again. This too shall pass. The one thing guaranteed is a change this week. Now will be the time of transformation as Outta conditions are temporarily moving out of sync with your desires and expectations, but you need to stay the course and remember that even storms serve to clear the air, scatter seeds, and nourish the soil for better things ahead.


we were all meant to have connections with other people within our families, society and the larger culture. No man is an island and it's important to recognise when being a part of rather than separate from is essential to your well-being. The issue at hand is the need to find where you fit. Be true to your core truths and values. Perhaps you no longer identify with the group or community. The way you did before I need to find a new situation. You might be feeling a deep sense of loss or confusion. Address the need for belonging, and know that you will find your place with others of like mind and spirit. It's okay to let go of the pressure to fit in. Not everyone will understand you. It's time to move on. 


thing better and more powerful growing in its place. This rebirth is assured. Step into your new life. Destiny is being fulfilled in wonders ways. The world is based on connections and relationships and no matter what loss has occurred in the past or even now death and endings are only illusions. You know that there is life after death, love after loss, and in this moment, you are deleting the regenerative life force energy that makes you irresistible to love in all forms. Now is the time when you will see evidence of this new emergence. Can you feel it? Love is rising to greet you.


you have stepped into alignment with the greater good, where your dreams and the collective dream resonate in exquisite harmony. Now is the time for luck and preparation to meet and greet miracles that you could never have planned all by yourself. Keep in mind that you Are a channel for Providence, right now, as a higher energy, uses you as a force on behalf of the whole world. Your fortune becomes everyone’s fortune. Everything you bring into being now will leave a wonderful legacy for others in the future. Your service to the world is being supported at this time. Expect the unexpected. And Smile, for spirit loves you so very much.


the universe works within a structure of design, laws and principles that provide a framework for human experience and evolution. The law of abundance, the law of prayer, the law of karma, the law of attraction, the law of thought, the law of compensation and the law of nature or only a few that or known. These principles create perfect order and operate with a kind of precision beyond human understanding. Even revolution has its place in universal law. Human beings in turn have their laws and customs that vary from culture to culture and family to family. Laws keep social order and govern behaviour, reflecting an instinctive understanding that harmony is important. This is a time to learn these laws and confirm them, rather than being the rebel and flouting them. When this card appears, submit to structure and follow the rules, even if they seem to make no sense. Release resistance, to universal laws, will correct any disharmony. Open your eyes to those universal laws, and it will be easier to go by the book at this time. 

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you have entered a sweet time in your life, enjoying the land of milk and honey that everyone wants to experience. It's an interlude that feels more language than ambition when all your senses are awake to the unlimited possibilities in the universe. These times are precious and only come when you are in your authentic zone, wearing the world as a loose garment, not wanting, yet able to be Naresh in Waze, both tangible and intangible. Abundance is an energy that You Are a living part of. All your needs are being met. You Are given the gift of nourishment in every form.


it is only human to want to Adon oneself in trinkets and paint a pretty picture of oneself. It is natural to want to acquire the trappings of status or to deny them as a statement of rebellion. But if it sparkles is it better? Whether it is a fast car, a big house, a title or position, the stamp of authority, or the sparkling of diamonds, these icons, let you know something about a person, place or thing. Or do they? The truth is that people seek to acquire things because of what they will do for them, and how they symbolically will elevate them and make them more attractive. This week is the time to see beyond the adornments and prob underneath the surface. Learn to recognise the masks people wear and the motives underlying them. Imagine that all the glitter is gone. Would you still desire the object or person? 


this is a time of calculated receptive 80 as you gracefully await what is coming to you, ready to accept it when it appears. And does not involve frozen dreams, or even resting, but rather consciously, allowing things to flow to you, poised to receive the bounty that will be made available to you. It implies sensitivity as you alertly study the actions of others and contemplate how they will affect you and yours. Remember, you must make space for miracles to appear. Be the shape, not the shipper and you will see how quickly your dreams manifest.


this week, will remind you that you Are more than a person trying to get ahead and make things happen for yourself and others. You have an immortal soul and or are gifted with a human life through which a higher power can express itself. At this time, you need to be conscious of your connection to spirit and foster it through prayer and meditation. You can ask what is the highest good for all? How can I serve? Then get out of your way and trust that there is a plan for your life more wonders than you can ever know. You are always protected and you are being guided to that part of your life where you will be fulfilling your soul mission and your life purpose, but first, you need to open your mind and your eyes to know feel and hear what the universe and your higher self is trying to tell you.


there are points in a relationship when you have to decide to go with the flow rather than dictate the course you share with another. Can you let go of the need to have things your way and allow the relationship itself, your combined goals and desires to steer the ship? Can you both transcend your personalities and allow the partnership to form its own identity, its energy? Now is the time to relax and see where this mutual journey is leading between you and your partner. Isn't it wonderful when you feel yourself in the flow of life when events and conditions seem to engage you in a way that is fluid and effortless? This week will remind you that going with the flow is exactly what you need to do right now. Ride the wave of opportunity formed by perfect conditions. Allow trust and faith to guide you as you slow like a river into the sea of life.


circumstances appear to be chaotic, but everything that is happening now is in truth, shaking things up, so you can find the real path to your prosperity. Yes, it is a stormy time, and it feels as if there are opposing forces wherever you tone. Be reassured that there is a divine purpose in this chaos. Everything that does not work is being taken from you so the truest parts of yourself remain. The events occurring now or essential for your ultimate prosperity. This chaos is divinely inspired, even though it doesn't appear that way now. In time you will know this is to be true. This is an advantageous moment to restore order and recognise the opportunity for negotiation. Even in the seeming chaos, there is a kind of divine order, a complete re-storing of elements which is very powerful and for your highest good. The right time will come but before that, you need to see the blessing in disguise in the event unfolding this week. 


sometimes you just cannot see the forest for the trees in your week. Feelings can get all jumbled up, and often you hear one thing when a person says another. It can be like an echo of a resolved experience dubbed over your conversation. Take time out before you react. The other person likely has no idea how his or her words have affected you. Take a few steps back and lend understanding to the situation. Have faith in your connection and trust that you can come together. Take to higher ground now and cultivate curiosity about what you observe in yourself, in others and the landscape. You will find things much improved sooner than you know.
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