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Capricorn Zodiac Sign: Personality Traits, Love Compatibility and Career

Abhishek AnandAbhishek Anand Updated 30 May 2024 12:11 PM IST
Discover the secrets of Capricorn
Discover the secrets of Capricorn - Photo : Capricorn

Special Things

Capricorn Zodiac Sign: Loyal, hardworking, ambitious, disciplined, and trustworthy.
Capricorn natives have these qualities which make them unique. These natives perform very well in the office, and their boss is always happy with their dedication and hard work.
Capricorn (Makar): The tenth sign of the zodiac is Capricorn, which comes after Sagittarius and before Aquarius. Capricorns are introverted people by nature. Saturn is the ruler of this sign. The nature of Capricorn is conservative. This is the zodiac sign that is both the most positive and the most negative. In all financial and business affairs, they often take precautions. These natives are multitaskers. These folks are great storytellers, have great memories, and are brilliant performers. Ladies born under this sign tend to their homes with great care and have excellent taste in décor and household administration.


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About Capricorn

These people might be egotistical and untrustworthy at times. They are excellent communicators and possess a strong sense of accountability and resolve to see any project through to completion. These natives are funny, cautious, punctual, loving, and highly ambitious.
One of the negative characteristics of Capricorns is doubt. Since they don't have a lot of help in their lives, they have learned how to manage and accomplish their goals on their own. It may be somewhat difficult for Capricorns at times to communicate their emotions.
Depressions may result from the repression of emotions. They are often self-assured, calm, and strong-willed, and they constantly aim for honesty. They dislike foolish plans, fantasy, and mocking. Capricorns wait to commit until they have carefully considered every aspect of a possible partnership. Few people possess exactly the same logic and ambition as native Capricorns. This sign's people weren't afraid away from putting in long hours of effort to achieve their goals in life.

Capricorn Love life

Capricorn, ruled by the strict Saturn, is aware of, prepared for, and even enjoys the challenging aspects of relationships. They understand that the finest relationships have ups and downs and are in it for the long run. They aren't cruel, exactly, but Capricorns don't have a romanticized idea of love, and their love is grounded in reality.
Capricorns are passionate monogamists who are capable of falling deeply in love. It is not out of the ordinary for a Capricorn to tie the knot after just a few months of dating, despite their tendency to be careful in all other areas of their lives. They are confident in their feelings and don't think twice to put a stop to a relationship when they feel it is right. And their intuition is spot on: faithful Capricorns maintain committed partnerships over time. When it comes to their relationship, they don't mind going to therapy if it's necessary. They see issues as hurdles that can be overcome with honesty, trust, and hard work from both sides.

Capricorn Career

In the workplace, a Capricorn is trustworthy, slow, steady, and methodical; they usually arrive first and leave last. A Capricorn never waits until the last minute and sometimes starts a project on the day it is allocated.
A Capricorn tends to take on challenges head-on and is drawn to high-pressure professions like banking or law. Capricorns are pressure-loving individuals who enjoy the challenge of pushing as much as possible into a 24-hour day. Capricorns are excellent at establishing limits and don't allow feelings to interfere with their professional lives. Fair and strict, a Capricorn boss demands that those under them work equally as hard as they do.
With Capricorns, personal justifications are rarely accepted, and their genuine goal is to see the task completed with excellence.
Some of the best professions for Capricorns are as follows:
1. CEO
2. Lawyer
3. Head Manager
4. Architect
5. Research Scientist

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