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Home ›   Astrology Blogs ›   Venus in different houses: Venus the planet of Beauty Can Give lots of Luxury and Wealth

Venus in different houses: Venus the planet of Beauty Can Give lots of Luxury and Wealth

My Jyotish Desk Updated 13 Jun 2024 04:36 PM IST
Houses - Photo : Venus

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Venus in different houses: Venus is the planet of beauty, love, romance, creativity, sexual desire, wealth fame, and luxury. Venus being a natural benefic planet showers his blessing where he sits. If aspected badly by malefic planets then his result may disturb the native.
Planet Venus: According to Vedic astrology, Venus is a feminine planet. It is a powerful symbol for bright, beautiful objects, beauty, glamour, parties, and so on. It also governs an individual's creative side, including romance, love, sex, music, dancing, happiness, and pleasurable pursuits. It is the most significant representation of feminine energy, wealth, marriage, elegant clothing, pearls, flowers, wives, brahmins, and so on. Venus is also a symbol of wisdom, wealth, and attractiveness. 

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In mythology, Venus is linked not just to sexual activity but also to passion and unconditional love, which can lead to Nirvana, rebirth, and immortality. It governs areas that achieve harmony, beauty, and entertainment.
Discover how your life is impacted by the planet of sex, pleasure, and beauty by reading on.
According to Vedic astrology, Venus is a feminine planet. It is a powerful symbol for bright, beautiful objects, beauty, glamour, parties, and so on. It also governs an individual's creative side, including romance, love, sex, music, dancing, happiness, and pleasurable pursuits. 


Venus in the 1st house

  • The native's outward look, health, disposition, character, and strengths and weaknesses are all under the jurisdiction of the first house. The main connection is with one's outward look.
  • Venus's position in the First House suggests that the local has a sensuous but artistic demeanor. The native has a keen sense of aesthetics and appreciates all types of art, poetry, music, and stunning surroundings.
  • Venus bestows upon the native a lively disposition, an attractive build, stunning eyes, and curly hair. Their calm, courteous, and compassionate demeanor toward others helps them make a lot of friends.
  • Native’s value connections are high, especially romantic and sexual ones; they are unable to go extended periods without a partner.
  • Natives with afflicted Venus may become extremely self-conscious and unhappy about their looks, or they may feel that everyone should like them and suffer greatly if someone does not.

Venus in the 2nd house

  • The native's riches and belongings are connected to the second house. This position indicates the native's ability to manage money in addition to their earning potential.
  • Venus is known to be the planet of wealth and luxury. Unquestionably, natives become more and more affluent, and they lavish a lot of money on entertainment, cosmetic products, and the arts.
  • The native becomes balanced, gentle-spoken, and peaceful when there is a good or benefic Venus in this sign. These individuals are aware of when and how to talk, and they make thoughtful word choices that affect other people's lives.
  • Because of beauty or a creative mind, there's a good chance of gaining money or increasing wealth. The native enjoys being appreciated and showered with presents.

Venus in the 3rd house

  • Siblings, relatives, neighbors, and efforts are seen from the third house. In addition, it is the house of short-distance transportation, communication, and location switching.

  • Venus's placement in the third house implies that locals will have their happiest moments while they are traveling and spending time with their siblings or other family members. They adore going to lovely locations like gardens, parks, and cafés.

  • Planet Venus is in the third house and frequently aspires to pursue careers in poetry and writing since these fields greatly excite them.

  • When Venus is afflicted, there's a chance that the natives will make use of their speaking and communication abilities for selfish reasons.

  • It is crucial for natives to have a partner who is communicative in the relationship and will listen to them, even when they are expressing their actual sentiments.


Venus in the 4th house

  • This is the house that stands for mother, home, early years, and how a native would likely treat his family. It also symbolizes the type of relationship a native has with his mother.

  • The native becomes more sensitive and emotionally devoted to his parents while Venus is in the 4th house. Their early years are filled with tender recollections and sentimentality.

  • The natives enjoy being an excellent host. Their dwellings display their innate sense of aesthetics. They feel productive and enjoy themselves on an internal level as a result. Furthermore, someone like that is probably going to benefit monetarily from family matters.

  • When Venus is afflicted, the native's family finds it difficult to maintain a happy atmosphere in the home, despite their best efforts.


Venus in the 5th house


  • Pleasure is seen from the fifth house. It demonstrates the imaginative way in which the native expresses himself. what the native finds enjoyable and how they choose to pass their free time. It also suggests how wealthy the father is.

  • There's nothing more ideal than having the planet of love located in the house of love.  Venus feels most at ease in this house, this placement turns out to be quite advantageous, and the natives are fortunate to have it in their natal chart.

  • It provides a happy and thrilling love connection for the native. Because of this position, the natives are well-liked by friends and have a great affection for children.

  • Natives who have Venus in the 5th house are more likely to have a female child first, and that kid may be very lovely.

Venus in the 6th house

  • The sixth house shows how a native would be beneficial to society and the sort of services they offer to civilization.

  • Venus in the sixth house bestows a high propensity for service to the native's employer. Their relaxed and polite nature is something their coworkers find admirable.

  • The native has a great inclination towards topics related to creativity, beauty, and the arts. They'll probably succeed in these kinds of jobs.

  • These individuals possess a stunning and dynamic sense of style. In addition, they are mindful of their food since they want to maintain their good health and appearance.

  • Even if the native is not actively involved in the arts or creative industries, they are constantly connected to them. They might work as makeup artists, photographers, editors, flower designers, or interior designers.

  • Good hairdressers, fitness instructors, experts in cosmetics or beauty, dance instructors, and other professions are produced by this placement. Even if the native is not actively involved in the arts or creative industries, they are constantly connected to them. They might work as makeup artists, photographers, editors, flower designers, or interior designers.

Venus in the 7th house

  • Among all the houses, the seventh is the most significant one. It's the house of partnerships, in life as well as in business.

  • Venus's position in this house promotes happy marriages. It bestows on the native the blessing of a lovely, prosperous, and alluring spouse, with whom they may share all the luxuries of life.

  • Natives are also likely to succeed in business alliances. Typically, they are fortunate enough to have a buddy as well as a business partner, which creates a nice work environment.

  • When Venus is afflicted, the native's companion may be a slacker or misbehaving individual.

  • However, the native are extremely close to their mate and uphold harmony and balance in the partnership since they fully appreciate the importance of companionship in life.


Venus in the 8th house


  • In Vedic astrology, the eighth house stands for sudden happenings, business assets, sudden loss, and gain, and inherited wealth. In addition, it is the house of mysteries, the occult, mysticism, death, and rebirth.

  • However, in the case of afflicted Venus, it could make the native lazy and careless. The native might even experience disappointments in their love life.

  • Venus is in this house, which means that the native is drawn to those who possess darkness. They are always drawn to people's puzzling and evil energies.

  • Natives are more inclined to date rich, seductive, and mysterious people. Conversely, some find the natives adorable and attractive but are unable to pinpoint why.

Venus in the 9th house

  • The wisdom acquired via long-distance travels, such as pilgrimages and international travel, is the focus of this house. It is connected to the natives' higher learning as well as religious and philosophical concepts.

  • Venus in this house encourages a native's love of travel and their excitement for exploring new locations, cultures, musical genres, and artistic creations.

  • There's a probability that a native will marry a foreigner or someone who has made their home abroad. The native usually resides far away from their homeland.

  • When a person has a badly aspected Venus, they may have a desire to escape reality, especially when they are younger, or they may choose to stop their education early due to challenges.

  • These individuals are often open-minded and show a keen interest in religious and philosophical debates.

Venus in the 10th house

  • According to Vedic astrology, a career or profession is represented by the 10th house. It indicates whether an individual will become well-known and successful in life or not. Also, this represents the native’s father.

  • Venus in this house gives the natives a happy, admirable look along with a harmonious, captivating personality that draws attention to them at work.

  • The native usually has a cheerful attitude in life and is an easygoing, friendly person. They benefit from this trait throughout their lives. The native and his father get along well.

  • Because of this placement in their horoscope, natives are more likely to pursue careers in speech, music, or even politics.


  • If Venus is badly aspected, then the native's reputation may suffer. They could even act selfishly to gain profits.

Venus in the 11th house

  • Fortune and profits are strongly indicated by the 11th house. It stands for gains, success, and unexpected money. The house also represents a person's social circle.

  • Venus's placement in the eleventh house gives a pleasant personality to the native. It helps in making friends easily. The native may make a lot of friends with people of the opposite sex.

  • Natives are blessed by nature with a persona that makes it easy for them to gain money from their social interactions.

  • The native assigned to this position longs to be among their buddies. They search for financially stable individuals who can provide them with additional funding if necessary.

  • If  Venus is affected, the native should avoid spending too much time with friends and in social groups, as this might have a negative impact.

Venus in the 12th house

  • It's the house of fears, hidden locations, and subconscious minds. It also shows a person's tendency toward spirituality and symbolizes freedom from the worldly demands of life.

  • The native would like to spend time alone while Venus is positioned in the 12th house. Additionally, because they want to keep things secret from others, they could have had hidden love relationships.

  • The native is generally quiet and reserved. They like things that are creative and mysterious. Despite their high level of creativity and artistic ability, individuals frequently hide their artistic abilities from the public.

  • The native is unaware of his appearance since Venus is in the 12th house. It is therefore possible that these folks are more charming and attractive.

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