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Home ›   Astrology Blogs ›   Medical astrology 2022: know how planets are formed and are the causes of diseases in your horoscope

Medical astrology 2022: know how planets are formed and are the causes of diseases in your horoscope

Aishwarya KeshariAishwarya Keshari Updated 14 Jul 2022 06:38 PM IST
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 In medical astrology, it is possible to identify diseases by planets.  Which disease the person will be suffering from or which part of the body will have the disease, all these things are decided on the basis of various factors of the horoscope.  By analyzing the horoscope in different ways, it can be told when and why you will be affected by the disease in life.  But apart from this, with a general study, you can also know these things yourself, which things are more troublesome to you because it is possible to assess them by the planet.  Now if you have any disease or a particular part of the body is affected by a lot of diseases, then by knowing the planets, you can easily find out which planet in your horoscope is becoming particularly responsible for your disease.  Is.  So let's know the disease effects caused by all the planets.

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Sun planet
 Sun is considered to be a pitta factor, so the excess of pitta can be affected by the sun in the body.  Apart from this, the effect of the sun is more on the right eye, heart, stomach and bones.  There are more indications of the effect of these diseases on you due to the sun.  Sun when afflicted can cause the following diseases like headache, sadness, sadness, fever, burning sensation, diseases caused due to inflammation of the liver etc.

 Moon planet
 Moon is considered to be of cold nature.  It is the Kapha karaka, the water planet, the karaka of the mind.  The moon becomes a very important planet to keep the body healthy and free from any diseases related to fluid in the body.  The afflicted Moon can cause the following diseases such as mental problems, lung disorders, tuberculosis, ascites, stomach disorders, joint problems (swelling), foot problems and other waterborne diseases.

Mars planet
 Mars is also considered a Pitta factor.  Mars keeps the body energetic, full of vigour and vitality, and agile.  The afflicted Mars causes many diseases in the body.  Head, bone marrow, haemoglobin, muscles in the body, accidents, injuries, surgical operations, burns, blood disorders, high blood pressure, gallstones, epilepsy, fractures, piles, abortion, etc.  Apart from this, the Moon associated with Mars in women causes disturbances in the menstrual cycle and breast diseases.

 Mercury Planet
 Mercury is believed to be related to the Trodoshas.  It is the factor for intelligence, skin, throat, nose, and lungs.  When auspicious, Mercury gives a highly intelligent melodious speech.  When weak, Mercury can give mental diseases, nervous diseases, speech defects, dumb and stuttering, skin diseases, impotence, leprosy, nose, throat and ear diseases.

 Jupiter Planet
 Jupiter is considered to be of Kapha karaka nature.  Also represents the liver, gall bladder and fat etc. in the body.  A strong Jupiter keeps the respective organs of the body physically fit and provides a strong body. A weak Jupiter will cause too much obesity, diabetes, liver disorder, cancer, hepatitis, gall bladder disease, spleen disease, and ear problems in the body  Can give stomach problems like ulcers.

Venus planet 
 Venus predominates Vata and Kapha and is the factor of sexual activities, and reproductive organs.  A strong Venus keeps the native free from Vata and Kapha diseases.  A weak Venus can give sexual disorder, genitourinary system disorder, urinary disorder, facial or eye diseases, cataracts, diabetes, kidney and bladder stones, typhoid, appendicitis, sexual perversion, and semen disorder.

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