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Home ›   Astrology Blogs ›   Rahu in Different Houses: Rahu Will Give Lots of Confusion If Seated Here

Rahu in Different Houses: Rahu Will Give Lots of Confusion If Seated Here

Abhishek AnandAbhishek Anand Updated 12 Jun 2024 02:37 PM IST
houses - Photo : Rahu

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Rahu in Different Houses: Rahu is a planet of expansion, so wherever he sits he expands the things related to that house. Rahu is a malefic planet so he usually gives bad results in lives. 

Planet is Rahu

In Vedic astrology, Rahu, a shadow planet located on the moon's north node, has great significance as it represents an individual's unfulfilled desires and obsessions from a previous life, which they are returning to in this lifetime. You must determine Rahu's sign, degree, and house to view that.

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Planet Rahu is associated with breaking taboos, exaggeration, attachment, and possession of material goods that are immoral yet that the natives nonetheless desire. Rahu is a planet that seeks what it cannot have and seeks it as quickly as possible. It wants to get through life more quickly. Whether it be by fraud, diligence, or total honesty. Planet Rahu aspires to be acknowledged for the things it represents wherever it travels.

Rahu in the 1st house
  • The house of self is the first house, or ascendant. It is linked to the native's total personality, both inside and externally. This house essentially represents the person's head, physique, character, temperament, strengths, and weaknesses.
  • Rahu in the first house usually brings good fortune to the native. The native may even grant unexpected prosperity.
  • The native with this location is endowed with the characteristics of Rahu, which is intelligence and cunning. Even though they have a short fuse, they are sharp-witted, clever, and capable of moving up the corporate ladder.
  • If Rahu is badly aspected, then the native may be extremely self-conscious about their appearance, and as Rahu is attracted to glitter and shine, they may be easily fooled and mislead by the false glamour.

Rahu in the 2nd house
  • In Vedic astrology, the native's family and belongings are mostly under the second house. Along with the ability and abilities of the natives to earn money. Given that this house represents the throat, speech, and food intake are also viewed from it.
  • This planetary position in a native's chart indicates a desire for possession. They are driven by a great need to own food, cash, jewelry, wealth, and other items.
  • Since the native is often able to save money before the age of 30-32, having a debilitated Rahu in the chart may make it difficult to acquire and save money.
  • Because of the needless disputes with family members and relatives, it also gives the native an inclination to leave and distance themselves from the family.
  • The native may also pick up extensive language skills, mostly to maintain ties to their ancestry and historical principles.

Rahu in the 3rd house
  • The native's close surroundings, siblings, relatives, neighbors, and self-expression are all connected to the third house. It also represents the bravery of Native Americans, short travel, conducting business, etc.
  • The Gemini sign, a sociable sign of Rahu that also represents communication, computer-related industries, and technology, is likewise represented by the third house. When Planet Rahu is well-aspected in this area, the native is fortunate in media and communication-related industries.
  • Numerous well-known celebrities and politicians have this placement in their birth charts. Rahu in this house makes the native intelligent, and they know just how to take use of their position to gain good money.
  • It's possible that natives have strong psychic powers and intuition. It's much better when you know just how to use such abilities to understand how someone else thinks.

Rahu in the 4th house
  • The Native early years, mother, maternal love and sustenance, home, real estate, and their expected family behavior are all represented by the Fourth House.
  • It is claimed of those with this placement that they are deeply rooted in their family and community. Their desire to acquire a house, land, and other assets is quite strong.
  • Rahu's representation of foreign things causes the native to travel about a lot throughout their life. Because Rahu aspects the 12th house from here, the house of foreign lands and overseas settlements, it might even transport the individual to foreign territories.
  • However, a native's ability to concentrate may be affected by Rahu's position in the fourth house. For many reasons, Native people tend to lose their mental peace. 
  • Native would like to be acknowledged for his careful attention to detail when it comes to decorating, furnishing, and adorning his home. 

Rahu in the 5th house
  • It is known as the pleasure house. This house is a representation of the native's creative expression preferences and sense of fun. It is linked to children, a person's intelligence, and political awareness.
  • Planetary presence Rahu in the fifth house aspires to become creative, socially prominent, and a star, but mostly in the political arena. Native like taking center stage and are passionate about the arts, crafts, and gaming.
  • The native's relationship with his father or children may be strained by this placement. Still, it's in favor of adoption.
  • When malefic exalted Rahu is positioned in the fifth house of a person's horoscope, it can cause problems in a variety of areas, including marriage, career, wealth, reputation, children, and health.

Rahu in the 6th house
  • This is the house of disputes, conflict, diseases, and enemies. It also highlights the services the native will be beneficial to humanity and how they will contribute to society.
  • The sixth house is seen to be a favorable position for Rahu. The native enjoys exploiting the benefits that come with being in charge here. These individuals are experts at resolving disputes in a reasonable, equitable, and effective manner.
  • Rahu is in the sixth house for natives, therefore they may face many challenges along the way, but in the end, they will succeed by helping others. The enemy might not be able to hurt him, though.
  • An abundance of money or gains from inheritance are also noted with this position in one's birth chart if Rahu is properly aspected here. The native would be a very brave and daring individual.
Rahu in the 7th house
  • The seventh house represents legal responsibilities including marriage, corporate partnerships, romantic relationships, and law. It also symbolizes other individuals, such as your public image.
  • Rahu's presence in this house is not regarded as very fortunate. Being surrounded by individuals who seem kind but aren't genuinely trustworthy bothers the native
  • Native people may experience difficulties in marriage and other relationships, which might lead to the emergence of adversaries nearby. These individuals still don't feel happy in their relationships.
  • Still, the indigenous may even suddenly benefit from this situation. They may even experience gains or losses as a result of debt, divorce, bankruptcy, or litigation.
  • Rahu's natural ability to violate taboos forces the natives to question accepted ideas of cooperation and dispute resolution in society.

Rahu in the 8th house
  • In Vedic astrology, the eighth house stands for marriage, business assets, and inherited wealth. In addition, it is the house of taboo subjects like taxation, mysticism, the occult, death, and rebirth.
  • Rahu is associated with secrecy in this house. People working in high-risk sectors, such as detectives, intelligence officers, secret investigators, etc., will benefit from this posting.
  • The two main qualities that a native searches for in a partner are wealth and knowledge. That is the main thing that draws people in. These individuals also like handling sensitive information, dangerous secrets, and issues that are kept under cover.
  • The native's life likewise undergoes several unanticipated adjustments while Rahu is in the eighth house. They are occasionally adversely affected by these changes.

Rahu in the 9th house
  • The ninth house is the house of spirituality, religion, instructors, the law, and the father. It also represents luck, wealth, and protracted travels such as pilgrimages.
  • An extreme is the native when Rahu is in the ninth house. It denotes the native's inclination for religion and higher education, with Rahu in this house . Therefore, it is possible that the native would become focused on the idea of acquiring greater wisdom in life.
  • Native finds happiness by focusing his attention and energy on the shining and magical aspects of life. Since Rahu is a representation of foreign objects, they are inclined to take on trips and travel to far-off places.
  • The native's father could likewise benefit and feel empowered from their spiritual ascent. In the ninth house, a poorly aspected Rahu might give wisdom that is occasionally fake rather than truly gained.

Rahu in the 10th house
  • The tenth house in Vedic astrology is believed to symbolize a person's career or profession. It indicates if the individual will become well-known and successful in life. It's the house of the father, too.
  • Planet Rahu's placement in a natal chart's tenth house is said to be rather advantageous for the native because it typically yields positive outcomes and fosters a hardworking nature. 
  • Native have a reputation for being highly clever and industrious people who may achieve great professional success with unwavering commitment and a strong will. He will be a well-liked and well-known figure in both his professional and social circles.
  • On the other hand, a Rahu if afflicted might hurt a native's career by making them less organized and lazy at work.

Rahu in the 11th house
  • The 11th house is a reliable predictor of unexpected profits and prosperity. It stands for riches, success, and unexpected money. The residence also represents a person's social circle.
  • Rahu in the eleventh house is a great placement materially speaking. Because of the strong emphasis on establishing connections between natives and members of social organizations and friends who have similar interests.
  • Native is fortunate to have affluent, powerful, and prominent friends who bring him immense satisfaction and support in both monetary and emotional ways.
  • In addition, the native should exercise caution and be nervous of enemies who act as friends because there is a possibility of lying and backstabbing via them.
  • This placement of Rahu is overall good for the native

Rahu in the 12th house
  • It's the hiding place of fears, secrets, the subconscious, and faraway places. It also shows the native's strong tendency towards spirituality and symbolizes liberty and separation from life's worldly demands.
  • The native is likely to profit from hospitals, jails, or remote locations like a foreign nation under the favorable effect of Planet Rahu in the 12th house.
  • Nonetheless, the native is primarily negatively impacted by this placement. Costs are probably higher than income, and several health-related problems might worry him.
  • This difficult position may influence the native to pursue a religious or spiritual path as a means of escaping the harsh realities of life. It may also cause the native to donate an increasing amount of money to charitable causes and social work activities.
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