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Rahu: Mahadasha Illusion, Cheat, Detach, Greed, Lust

Abhishek AnandAbhishek Anand Updated 18 Jun 2024 11:39 AM IST
Rahu Mahadasha
Rahu Mahadasha - Photo : My Jyotish

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Rahu Mahadasha: The period of 18 years. Hard and confusing. This Dasha brings lots of ups and downs in life. During this dasha, you fall in love with fake people. You fight with different persons during this dasha. You might get cheated in this dasha.

Rahu Mahadsha

Rahu mahadasha is a period of a total of 18 years. In Rahu Mahadasha, greed increases in an individual. The person wants to have all types of name, fame, and money in a short period of time.

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Mainly, Dasha period results may vary from general predictions. If you have Rahu in the 1st house, 5th house, 7th house, 11th house, and 9th house and also have any connection with the 5th house lord, then the person gets cheated in love relationships.

It's observed that if Rahu transits from the 1st house, 5th house, 7th house, 11th house, or 9th house in Gochar Kundali, then the native gets cheated by his or her partner. It can also be possible that you might find out that the person you are dating is cheating on you.

You might also catch your lover with someone in a hotel or park or have a physical relationship with another person.

It can also be possible that if you had a relationship before Rahu Mahadasha and Rahu in Lagan Kundli somehow affecting your 5th house or 5th house lord, then there are high chances that you will get cheated or will find out your partner with someone else as you entered Rahu Mahadadsha.

And if you had a long-distance relationship before Rahu Dasha, then there is a high chance that you might catch your partner cheating through virtual or video calls, chats, etc.
Many times, it is possible that your partner may cheat you with his or her Ex.

During Rahu Mahadasha Sexual desires increase a lot. The person does a lot of sexual things to satisfy his needs, but day by day, desire increases. His imagination of intimacy and sexual desire goes to the next level, which sometimes makes the image of the person lustful.

The person often fights in this Dasha. And due to Rahu the person often got beaten many a time.

Rahu Mahadasha: Travel, Distance, and Confusion

In Rahu Mahadasha, people often leave their hometown and go somewhere else where their culture and traditions don't exist. They go for further studies, a job, etc.
It is seen that in Rahu Mahadasha, people often get separated from their family or parents.

Rahu Mahadasha: Houses that Activate

When Rahu is in the 1st house - The person starts taking care of himself or herself. They often doubt whether they are good-looking or not. What all things can be used to make personality more attractive?

When Rahu is in the 2nd house - The person starts thinking about money and assets very much. He wants a lot of money suddenly so that he can make a luxury house, have luxury cars, and do all kinds of materialistic things. His speech becomes harsh. He will start abusing so much. He will want to eat everything he desires off. 

When Rahu is in the 3rd House -The person's bravery increases. His bravery is just an illusion and nothing more. His or her communication skills will become good. He will be able to convince people with false talk. 

When Rahu is in the 4th house - The person's mother's health will suffer. The person will move from his hometown to another town. Family conflicts will arise a lot during Rahu Mahadasha.

When Rahu is in the 5th house - The person will get cheated in love relationship. He or she may find all promises to be fake and illusions. They will generally meet the wrong person in Rahu Mahadasha. Issues or miscarriage of the baby might happen. Studies can be disturbed by this placement of Rahu.
When Rahu is in the 6th house - The person will face enemies during Rahu Dasha. His job change can also happen. Some kinds of sexual diseases may occur.
When Rahu is in the 7th house - The person will find out his spouse is cheating. Her or his spouse may have a physical relationship with someone else. Betrayal in business is also possible. Partnership should be avoided in Rahu Mahadasha.

When Rahu is in the 8th house - The person may feel signs of black magic. He can get in contact with Trantrik, Dark Studies, Black Magic, Occult, and Astrology. They may experience sudden losses or gains in business or the stock market. father's death is also possible if Rahu is badly aspected.

When Rahu is in the 9th house - The person may not be interested in visiting normal temples. He must be interested in visiting temples situated in the mountains. Trantrik temples will attract him or her. The mind will feel like prayers and gods are myths.

When Rahu is in the 10th house - The person may get sudden rise or fall in career. He or She will have promotion or demotion in job. And if searching for a job then lots of confusion can arise. A transfer-in job can also be seen. Many times confusion arises about whether the work is good or not, Should I find another career?

When Rahu is in the 11th house - The person may gain a lot of name, fame, and money during Rahu Mahadasha. This placement gives many materialistic assets to the person.

When Rahu is in the 12th house -
The person may go to jail due to his crime. The person may also go abroad for a job or studies. 

During Rahu Mahadasha Pray to Maa Durga or Kali and also often offer milk to Shivling every day. These 18 years are full of confusion and illusion. Whenever feel like there is confusion related to work, profession, studies, or relationships. Just calm down and pray Maa Kali. She will show you a way.

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