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Home ›   Photo Gallery ›   Astrology Blogs ›   Yoga Day 2022: Know the Significance and benefits of Yog

Sweksha My Jyotish Expert Updated Tue, 21 Jun 2022 08:54 PM IST
Yoga Day 2022: Know the Significance and benefits of Yog
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Even today in the West, many schools of yoga are popular and have been successful in spreading the knowledge of yoga to the people by using Ashtanga Yoga and some other forms of yoga as described by Patanjali.
The eight limbs of yoga as suggested by Patanjali are as follows:

Yama: Rules for a successful life
Niyama: Managing and purifying oneself
Asana: physical and mental balance
Pranayama: The Basis of Breathing for Balance
Pratihara: Separation of the mind from the senses
Perception: Achieving Concentration
meditation: being absorbed in meditation
Samadhi: The final state attained after regular practice for universal consciousness
This process also involves awakening the Kundalini Shakti, which is believed to be located at the base of the human spine. As one practices various techniques, this latent energy moves through a series of chakras corresponding to the different endocrine glands and Kundali awakening is possible.

Lord Shiva is the basis of yoga
The practice of yoga is believed to have started with the beginning of civilization. The science of yoga originated thousands of years ago, long before the birth of religions or myths. In Yoga Vidya, Shiva is called the first Yogi or Adiyogi. Shiva is seen as the first Guru or Adi Guru. Several thousand years ago, on the banks of Lake Kantisarovar in the Himalayas, Adiyogi gave his deep knowledge to the mythical Saptarishis which the sages transmitted for the welfare of the entire world. Beyond this, there is an easy way to discover the wonderful mysteries of life, by following which we all can be successful in achieving the basic goals of life.

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