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Home ›   Astrology Blogs ›   If you also have nightmares then follow these home remedies

If you also have nightmares then follow these home remedies

My Jyotish expert Updated 20 Oct 2021 09:52 PM IST
Nightmares - Photo : Google

Like good dreams, bad dreams also come and sometimes there are so many terrible dreams that you also lose your sleep. Due to bad dreams, there can be many types of dangerous situations, restlessness, stress etc. You feel as if you have seen a troubled child, a wandering soul, skeletons, weapons, wild animals etc.

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 If these dreams come occasionally, then there is no problem, but if they come regularly then due to them the person may also suffer from insomnia. Therefore, ways to overcome bad dreams must be tried. Today we are introducing you to both scientific and astrological remedies.

Every dream tells your future, know the truth of your dreams

Follow these astrological remedies-

 · While sleeping, keep a small copper vessel filled with water on the right hand side under the pillow or while sleeping in the bedroom.

· On the sight of soul, skeleton, bones in the dream, first of all, organize Durga Path in the house where we live and do at least 51 or 101 recitations by brahmins.

· It is possible that this kind of dreams will go away. If possible, recite Sundarkand or Hanuman Chalisa daily or go to Hanumanji’s temple and do vermilion tilak daily or offer Chola to Batuk Bhairav or Hanumanji.

· Keep an oil lamp in the kitchen towards the igneous angle. Put vermilion in this lamp. After the flame of the lamp ends, apply a light tilak of vermilion.

Try these home scientific remedies to recover-

 Don’t sleep with stress

Stress is your biggest enemy, due to which there are many types of health problems and nightmares also come in them. To avoid bad dreams, it is important that you are completely relaxed and in a relaxed state before sleeping. To relieve stress, try methods like meditation, hot water bath before sleeping.

Don't watch horror movies
Whatever you do during the day has the same result, if you have seen scary serials or movies, very violent videos etc. before sane, then these can cause nightmares. So try not to watch such programs before sleeping.

Pay attention to food:
Bad and terrible dreams also occur at night due to food. Heavy and oily diet or over diet in dinner increases the level of stress hormone called cortisol in the body and makes nightmares more. Therefore, drinking a glass of warm milk before sleeping will reduce stress.

Avoid alcohol and caffeine:
Alcohol is injurious to your health, so avoid consuming it. Nightmares are caused by excessive consumption of alcohol and alcohol, so avoid consuming them if you are troubled by bad dreams.

Many types of health problems are overcome by meditating, as well as bad dreams that come in the night also do not come. Do regular exercise, do yoga and spend some time in the lap of nature. This will not cause stress and you will get a sound sleep at night. Nightmares and nightmares can disturb your sleep, due to which there may be problems like stress, restlessness, insomnia, so it is also very important to recover from bad dreams that come at night.

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