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Sun in different houses: Here Seating Sun Gives Power, Government Jobs

Abhishek AnandAbhishek Anand Updated 12 Jun 2024 07:08 PM IST
Houses - Photo : Sun

Special Things

Sun in different houses: The Sun is the soul in the birth chart. Sun bright's the house he looks or aspects. Sun gives money, fame, govt jobs when sits in a desirable house.

Planet Sun

The sun is the source of life that lights the entire planet; it is more than simply a massive, spinning, brilliant sphere of hot gasses among the group of celestial bodies. We would be turned to an ice ball in the absence of its heat and light. Discover the influence of the Sun in each house by reading on.

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The real essence of the self, the soul, your outside look, and your outer personality is the energy source and ruler of all the planets. It makes you fun and reverberant, yet it may also make you angry and egotistical.
In Vedic Astrology, it is very important. It states that the Sun is a symbol for the Soul, life-giving energy, willpower, and immune power—that is, the capacity to fight off diseases and maintain overall health. It serves as an example of your public persona and the way you communicate with others. It represents authority, a father figure, and gives aboriginal people the capacity to lead, govern, and leave their mark on the world. The sun also symbolizes the government, ego, and self-worth. It is your essence, your image to the outside world.
According to Vedic astrology, it spends a month in each sign and moves around the entire zodiac, the 12 signs in a year. Houses without a sun sign have distinct behaviors, and each planet can bring about both favorable and unfavorable outcomes. Additionally, the outcomes differ based on your Kundali's state and position.

Sun in the 1st house
  • The native is blessed with a spark and vitality if the sun is placed in the first house of their horoscope.
  • The native is passionate and gives good vibes. If there are no variables that would impair health, this is an excellent placement that offers decent health. 
  • The native might have a lovely attitude and inspire admiration from others. The native will be respectful, obedient to his father, and get along well with the powerful.
  • Like a lion, they have a fiery temperament and are reckless, yet they are also more quick.
  • The native's leadership abilities are attributed to their sun sign, which occasionally can lead to hostility and a sense of superiority. 
  • The native may get self-absorbed if the Sun is in the ascendant.

Sun in the 2nd house
  • When the sun is located in the second house in a horoscope, the person holding the chart is often kind and giving.
  • Additionally, the native makes a nice living and spends the most of it on pricey stuff.
  • Oftentimes, it is seen that a second house The voice of the sun person is strong and melodic.
  • They'd be fantastic vocalists. People with this location in their horoscope are driven by a strong feeling of self-worth and a strong desire for power.
  • They are always motivated to gain wealth, talent, and other forms of power.
  • These natives are usually far too simple-minded.

Sun in the 3rd house
  • When the Sun is in the third house, it indicates that the native likes to talk and is often a conventional speaker. He will succeed in the publishing and editing fields.
  • However, this placement develops a connection with the younger brother or sister as well as other family members. It is possible for the younger brother, sisters, neighbors, or coworkers to rise to high positions in life.
  • The native will be lucky, attractive, intelligent, bold, well-educated, successful in law, and in a position of authority.
  • They may travel frequently for work purposes in addition to their passion of travel.
  • The native values knowledge and wisdom highly and feels that it should be shared with others. 

Sun in the 4th house
  •  The house of family, belongings, properties, and so on is the fourth house. When the Sun is in the fourth house, it indicates that the native is very interested in issues related to their home life.
  • It's the house of your mother at home and your motherland. They look out for the welfare, social standing, and well-being of the family.
  • The native believes that "home is where the heart is" and defines himself by the things he loves
  • They have more reserved attitudes and like spending time at home.
  • Moreover, the native has more vitality and power in the later years of life when the sun is in the fourth house.
  • These individuals typically achieve success later in life since the sun, which is the source of your soul's vitality and your engine, is absent at birth. But when the sun rises, your surroundings get brighter.

Sun in the 5th house 
  • Because Leo is the fifth sign, the fifth house is naturally the house of the Sun. This home is a symbol of creative ability, learning about culture, scholarly education, production, joy, and speculative industries like broking and watching films.
  • It enhances and brightens everything as it enters the fifth house.
  • order to be able to engage in these creative pursuits, the native would like to be active in them.
  • When it comes to schooling, the sun here makes people quite brazen; they want to be the center of attention in their profession.
  • Their pride is found in discovering and expressing who they are.
  • They like sharing their expertise, originality, and expertise in business. They also have a close relationship with their father.
Sun in the 6th house
  • The sixth house represents disputes, battles, diseases, and enemies. In whichever house it resides in on your birth chart, the sun attempts to take center stage.
  • Sun, in the sixth house, is interested in finding inventive solutions to problems, winning court cases, defeating adversaries, and generally making things work in their favor.
  • Since the sun also symbolizes bones, let's imagine that if it is afflicted or weak, you may have fractures or bone defragmentation.
  • It also symbolizes politics since battles and wars are a part of politics and because competitive people may be your friends or opponents in the workplace.
  • Because the 6th house is also the house of sickness and the sun is a malefic planet, many lawsuit lawyers come from this house. Despite this, the sun still seeks to do good, provide life, and resolve issues for others.
  • Thus, from this residence, doctors, advocates, those working in the medical field, and employees in security departments are seen from this house. 

Sun in the 7th house
  • In the seventh house, things get worse after the sun sets. The seventh house represents legal obligations, including marriage, corporate partnerships, romantic relationships, and legislation.
  • It also symbolizes other individuals, such as your public image. The Sun is weakened by this house, which is Libra, the sign of justice, peace, and balance. This further contributes to the native's lack of self-worth and confidence.
  • When the Sun is exalted in this house, the native tends to be extremely afraid and domineering, trying to impose as much authority as possible on others out of a need to be respected and heard.
  • Individuals whose birth chart has the Sun in the seventh house may even get married more than once.
  • Nonetheless, an exceptional Sun would be an excellent manager in any creative industry; they may also be a superb judge, lawyer, or politician because to their leadership abilities and capacity to inspire others to work with them.
Sun in the 8th house 
  • The eighth house is associated with occult knowledge, an understanding of deep, hidden matters, private information, significant ups and downs, and abrupt transformations.
  • Additionally, it represents assets—joint assets from your spouse and your in-laws' family.
  • What follows, therefore, when the sun is in the eighth house? It denotes and clarifies the characteristics of the eighth house.
  • The only two planets that truly function very effectively and strongly in the 6th, 8th, and 12th houses are the Sun and Saturn. Since Mars, the ruler of Scorpio, is the true of Sun, he makes him feel fairly welcome. 
  • Native people typically don't need to show off their ego; they just know they're superior to other people.
  • Their aura draws others in naturally since they have such a wonderful personality. They have an endless thirst for secrets, occultism, darkness, and things hidden behind barriers.

Sun in the 9th house
  • The sun is a symbol of your soul, ego, self-worth, energy, authority, and father figure. Additionally, the ninth house represents your father's home, the law, your teacher, your spirituality, and religion.
  • It also represents luck, wealth, and long travels such as religious journeys. Sun's ego therefore rises as it enters the 9th house. 
  • This is where the native is greatly influenced by his father and his teachings. And everything your father and teacher have taught you will be the only things that determine your ego and sense of worth.
  • As a result, this individual is limited by his life experiences. 
  • Judges, lawyers, professors, and priests may all be seen from this house. They enjoy forcing individuals to follow by regulations.
  • This person's ego is extremely difficult to break, and as a result, they may engage in ego conflicts with their dads.
  • These are the folks who, when they travel, want to get some insight and a sense of closure from their experience.

Sun in the 10th house
  • The 10th house is associated with executive work, executive work, government job, authority, and how you want the outside world to see you.
  • That's your father's house. It is therefore the brightest and warmest in the house when the Sun enters.
  • Native people typically hold positions of authority in the government or as executives.
  • These people are incapable of handling a management or supervisory role since they feel much better when there is no one to criticize or challenge them.
  • This is the home of warriors, athletes, and the presidency. From this mansion, one can observe CEOs and soldiers.
  • And Sun still has the ability to rise above, despite the difficult circumstances they had in their early years. Why? Due to Sun! Of course! It rises, lifts himself up, and casts a shadow over everyone.
  • This is one spot where you will overcome whatever obstacle you face.
Sun in the 11th house
  • When it comes to wealth, the eleventh house is the most significant. As the house of gains, it is a reliable predictor of money, unexpected gains, and wealth. Your friends and professional networks are part of this house.
  • Since this is the ancient home of Saturn, it is not particularly comfortable when the sun enters there. Since their energies are somewhat at odds with one another, they don't get along very well. 
  • On the other hand, this role strongly suggests leadership roles in groups and as representatives.
  • Native that have this position in their horoscope also tend to be highly intelligent people.
  • Things with Father go crazy if the sun shines brightly in this house. A native's relationship with his father may begin unstable and harsh but improves in the end, particularly for ladies whose sun is in the eleventh house. 
  • There is also a belief that the sun in the eleventh house confers prosperity and a long life upon the native.
Sun in the 12th house
  • The home stands for jails, asylum, permanent foreign settlement, international contacts and relationships, foreign. 
  • It is associated with spirituality, generosity, secret abilities, hidden adversaries, hidden wealth, and a connection to the divine. The capacity of the native to recognize their hidden adversaries and skills is symbolized by the 12th house, which glows as the sun rises.
  • This posture is nonetheless highly beneficial for creativity; for example, an artist may create art because, while the imagination is a gloomy area, the sun shines on it so brightly that the words and art just flow.
  • From this house, directors, screenwriters, and spiritual leaders can be seen. This house assists the indigenous in establishing commercial or political ties with other nations.
  • Therefore, when you travel to other countries, your personality and image will be significantly better than they are at your motherland.   
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